It sounds like this is discussing the implementation in V8, unless it’s done 
similarly in other engines. Possibly it’s talking about a polyfill mechanism 
that might be used in compile-to-js implementations that target older browsers.

V8’s template map is a Map with smi keys representing the hash of the raw 
string, containing a smaller array of lists of strings which yield the same 
hash (usually a single template literal)

Unfortunately, since the Map is not tied directly to the callsite objects 
(which aren’t available at parse-time when the hashing occurs), there’s no way 
to store these callsites in a WeakMap, and they are never collected. If 
WeakSets were iterable, this could be solved pretty easily, but these are the 
tools we’ve got :(

> On Jun 16, 2015, at 10:31 PM, Mark S. Miller <> wrote:
> Hi Yusuke, I am not sure I understood your message. Could you show some 
> example code that would observe the observable difference you have in mind?
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 7:25 PM, Yusuke SUZUKI < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi forks,
> In ES6 spec, template site objects are strongly referenced by the 
> realm.[[templateMap]].
> So naive implementation leaks memory because it keeps all the site objects in 
> the realm.
> However, we can alleviate this situation.
> Because template site objects are frozen completely, it behaves as if it's a 
> primitive value.
> It enables the implementation to reference it from the realm weakly. When all 
> disclosed site objects are not referenced, we can GC them because nobody 
> knows the given site object is once collected (& re-generated).
> But, even if the object is frozen, we can bind the property with it 
> indirectly by using WeakMap.
> As a result, if the site objects are referenced by the realm weakly, users 
> can observe it by using WeakMap.
> To avoid this situation, we need to specially handle template site objects in 
> WeakMap; WeakMap refers template site objects strongly (if we choose the weak 
> reference implementation for realm.[[templateMap]]).
> But this may complicate the implementation and it may prevent implementing 
> WeakMap as per-object table (it can be done, but it is no longer simple 
> private symbols).
> Is it intentional semantics? I'd like to hear about this.
> (And please point it if I misunderstood)
> Best Regards,
> Yusuke Suzuki
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