Domenic, would you care to propose an alternative that is concise and memory 
efficient if it is an anti-pattern?

That would be helpful and constructive (your comment, not so much).

> On Jul 13, 2015, at 8:27 AM, Domenic Denicola <> wrote:
> From: es-discuss [] On Behalf Of Brendan 
> Eich
>> You're counting on the property assignment being moved into the constructor, 
>> where `this` is bound. In a class body in ES6 (without property assignment 
>> extension), especially in the top level where method defintiions go, `this` 
>> isn't obviously bound to the newly constructed instance.
>> Ok, that's kind of a nit, or an observation. No worries.
> Yeah, just to highlight this, the property initializer syntax is very far 
> from reaching consensus, and I wouldn't take that for granted and then ask if 
> we can build something else on top of it.
>> Bigger question is what we want: method per instance allocation cost, which 
>> what you did imposes? Or something that can be more efficiently implemented, 
>> such as what Strong/SoundScript proposes (last I looked). 
>> The latter is what Java and C++ do. Then the trick is enabling first-class 
>> function extraction from method, which is a pay-for-what-you-ask-for 
>> alternative to allocation per method per constructed instance.
> Agreed. The pattern shown is really an antipattern in my book (and according 
> to conventional JavaScript wisdom). My understanding is that React encourages 
> this antipattern, but that's not something we should encourage at a language 
> level. (Which is part of why property initializer syntax may not make it, at 
> least not in the form you show).
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