Do not send "Please add" messages with two-line, half-baked sketches of extensions to the language. That's just injecting noise with very little signal.

The "-1" you received will be the answer if pressed from everyone on TC39, I would bet real money. Syntax is expensive, adding it for little semantic gain and some downside user-confusion risk (plus a small complexity tax hike for the language in full) is never the right answer.

That you can scratch this itch (and many others like it) via sweet.js does not argue for incorporating any such =. or .= operator into the core language. Analyze developer patterns and nearby languages for better candidate extensions that solve more serious usability or greater issues.


Florent FAYOLLE wrote:
x .= f() should be syntax sugar for x = x.f()

x .= f().g().h() should be x = x.f().g().h()

+1! I've made some weeks ago a prototype of this in sweet.js:

Except that the syntax is rather =. (I have probably been influenced by the CoffeeScript's existential operator). The reverse looks fine to me too.

-1 Please no :)

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