On 15-08-11 11:47 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Aug 10, 2015, at 6:03 PM, Michael Dyck wrote:

While converting the HTML spec into ecmarkup, I found roughly 100
glitches (depending on what and how you count),

Have you checked them against http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/
? It would be useful to know how many I have already fixed and also
additional things I missed.

I just fetched what's currently at that URL, and it's identical to the
version that I've been working with. It looks like I got that on June 29, so
if you've fixed anything since then, I'm not seeing it for some reason.

but I'm disinclined to report them [...]

We can make formatting corrections to
http://ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/ if there are significant
deviations from the PDF.

Ah, okay. In that case, I can see the use in reporting the glitches.

It isn't necessary to submit 100 bugzilla tickets.  Any reason format of
a list that can be checked against the document would be useful.  If you
want you can just send it to me and Brian.

Right now, it's a sequence of pattern/replacement tweaks, with some
comments, so it'd take a bit of work to get it into a reasonable format.

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