Although this works, it seems like a bit of a violation of
say-what-you-mean and dont-repeat-yourself to me. You have to write the
name of each function twice, and you are defining a shorthand object
literal just for the sake of unpacking it.

If we must have syntax for this, I'd propose hijacking @ to mean general
paren-free invocation, using the same precedence rules as Coffee:

const fibonacci = memoize(function(n) {...});
const fibonacci = @memoize function(n) {...};
const fib100 = @fibonacci 100;
@window.alert "If this syntax works for functions, why not let it work for

But I must ask - why *exactly* do people have a problem with the extra
brackets again? Is it really just because we don't have good paredit or
other tree-based editing for JS yet? (Or do we?)

On Wednesday, 21 October 2015, Andrea Giammarchi <> wrote:

> Again, everything can be defined in a similar way, actually granting those
> function  cannot posibly be declared or redefined differently, being
> constants.
> ```js
> const {
>   assert,
>   log,
>   add
> } = {
>   @conditional(DEBUG)
>   assert(condition, message = "assertion failed.") {
>     if (!condition) throw new Error(message);
>   }
>   @conditional(TRACE)
>   log(message) {
>     return target => function () {
>        console.log(message);
>        return target.apply(this, arguments);
>     };
>   }
>   @metadata("design:paramtypes", () => [Number, Number])
>   @metadata("design:returntype", () => Number)
>   function add(a, b) {
>     return a + b;
>   }
> };
> ```
> Beside that, that gist is completely unreadable to my eyes, I guess it
> would take some time to be maintained as well if that was production code.
> The work around fixes all that, it keeps portability of the current
> proposal, and it ensure log will always be that log and nothing else in
> that very same scope +  strawberry on  top, less writing and always named
> functions.
> How cool is that?
> Best Regards
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:26 PM, Ron Buckton <>
> wrote:
>> I can think of numerous examples of how decorators could apply to
>> functions, and I’ve added them to a gist
>> <> [1] for easier
>> consumption. It’s true that simple decorators for functions can work as
>> simply as function calls, but this becomes a bit unwieldy if you need to
>> compose multiple decorators on a single function.
>> Consider a scenario combining decorators providing runtime type
>> information as an annotation with one that adds runtime type checking. With
>> decorators this might be:
>> ```js
>> @paramtypes(() => [Number, Number])
>> @returntype(() => Number)
>> @checked
>> function add(x, y) { return x + y }
>> ```
>> If I just use function expressions, this is feasible if a bit awkward:
>> ```js
>> const add =
>>     paramtypes(() => [Number, Number])(
>>         returntype(() => Number)(
>>             checked(
>>                 function (x, y) { return x + y; })))
>> ```
>> It feels a bit developer-hostile to have to rebalance parentheses if you
>> want to add a decorator, and there are ASI hazards if you misplace an
>> opening paren. Also, you can no longer infer the function name “add” from
>> the const binding.
>> Using `::` isn’t a great replacement either, as there are many hazards
>> such as:
>> ```js
>> // The following means “call `decorator` with `this` bound to the
>> function object”.
>> // Also, it becomes impossible to infer the function name “a” from the
>> let binding.
>> let a = function() { }::decorator(x)
>> let b = function() { }
>> ::some.decorator(x) // ASI hazard as `::` can be either prefix or infix.
>> ```
>> One of the initial drivers for decorators was class methods, as there’s
>> no expression context immediately inside the class body in which you can
>> use either of the above scenarios. This necessitated a declarative form for
>> decorators to allow these scenarios to exist. Having parity across class
>> methods, classes, and functions (of all kinds) presents a more consistent
>> story to developers. The upswing in decorator use in both TypeScript and
>> Babel has been very positive, with libraries like Angular leveraging
>> decorators heavily in their codebase. Since we introduced decorators into
>> TypeScript, we’ve had a fair bit of feedback requesting support for
>> function decorators.
>> I do think function decorators should wait until the Class/Property
>> decorators proposal advances further along the standards track. Axel’s
>> initial concerns/questions around hoisting are valid and there isn’t a
>> clear consensus on the semantics for functions. That said, I’ve been mostly
>> in the camp of introducing TDZ for function declarations that have
>> decorators. Decorators are a new syntactic form and we have the opportunity
>> to communicate this caveat with the development community by the time the
>> feature lands. It seems easy enough to explain that:
>> ```js
>> @decorator
>> function func() { }
>> ```
>> Is the equivalent of:
>> ```js
>> let func = @decorator function() { }
>> ```
>> Introducing TDZ allows to generally warn early as part of the static
>> semantics, so developers won’t fall into a well with respect to adding a
>> decorator to a function and not being able to quickly understand how that
>> change affects the behavior of their code.
>> I’m not certain what the current plan of record is, but the best approach
>> may be:
>> 1.       Advance and get consensus on the Class/Property decorators
>> proposal
>> 2.       Draft a separate proposal for decorators on function
>> expressions, generator function expressions, and arrows
>> 3.       Draft a separate proposal for decorators on function
>> declarations
>> Steps 1 and 2 above shouldn’t be significantly difficult and don’t
>> necessarily introduce any major new semantics outside of the decorators
>> themselves. Step 3 covers a thornier issue as it not only introduces the
>> new semantics of decorators but also introduces side-effects due to
>> hoisting.
>> Ron
>> [1]
>> *From:* es-discuss [] *On Behalf Of
>> *Andrea Giammarchi
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 20, 2015 3:34 AM
>> *To:* Axel Rauschmayer <>
>> *Cc:* es-discuss mailing list <>
>> *Subject:* Re: Decorators for functions
>> You haven't provided a single use-case example, like how are you going to
>> decorate a function or why.
>> IMO if implemented it will be incompatible with non ES6 code unable to
>> distinguish between classes and functions unless fully transpiled, making
>> decorators less portable.
>> One thing I like about current state is that you can use decorators even
>> in ES5 browsers [1]
>> Just my 2 cents, Regards
>> [1] as shown in the second example of the universal mixin module
>> <>
>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <>
>> wrote:
>> <>
>> The decorator proposal does not include decorators for functions, because
>> it isn’t clear how to make them work in the face of hoisting.
>> However, it would be great to have them. I see two possible solutions:
>> – A decorator on a function declaration prevents hoisting.
>> – Enable decorators for function expressions, arrow functions and
>> generator function expressions.
>> Does either one of those make sense?
>> Axel
>> --
>> Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
>> <>
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