I'm trying to figure out how worlds based on current modules ecosystem
would work ...

  path = require('path'),
  lib = require(path.join(__dirname, 'lib/index.js'))

How even in an ES2015 world would that look like?

Putting async/await everywhere doesn't seem like a real answer ... or does

On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 10:07 PM, Fabrício Matté <ultco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 7:32 PM, <br...@mailed.me.uk> wrote:
>> there is no reason to create an async function to invoke another async
>> function; one can simply invoke it, and if the result/completion is
>> required, use it's ,then() member....but there's no need/advantage to
>> wrapping such an invocation in an IIAFE, right?
> I believe the advantage is that you can then replace the
> `.then(onFulfilled, onRejected)` constructs with `await/try/catch`, thus
> simplifying the code and improving readability. I recognize this may be an
> uncommon pattern though, as most often the caller of an async function will
> be an async function as well. Note that I say "uncommon" referring to async
> IIFEs inside non-async functions; async IIFEs are still very useful to
> parallelize sequences of async operations as I've mentioned before.
> Btw, the term "IIAFE" should probably be avoided, as the "A" can
> ambiguously mean "Arrow" or "Async".
> /fm
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