And what's the deal, is it canceled or cancelled?  : )

On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:30 AM Kevin Smith <> wrote:

> Is there a reason to use a Promise as the cancellation token, rather than
>> have something that is synchronously inspectable?
> The only real downside of coming up with a new interface is that we have
> to standardize it.  : )  It's a core protocol.
> I agree that using a promise directly would feel awkward without a helper
> library.  You'd probably also want a method that would throw an error if
> the cancel token was activated (as in .NET
> ):
>     cancelToken.throwIfCanceled();
> Instead of the more verbose:
>     if (cancelToken.canceled)
>       throw new OperationCancelledError();
> I also like the revealing constructor pattern that Domenic mentioned.
> It's almost good enough, as-is, for converting from a promise to a
> cancelation token:
>     new CancellationToken(cancel => somePromise.then(cancel));
> Nice!
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