On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 9:53 AM, RacerD123 <racerd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In other programming languages such as python, you can specify the last
> element of a list with "list[-1]" but in javascript you have to do
> "list[list.length-1]". Is there maybe a way to make this feature in
> javascript?
This could be a good addition, although `slice` may work as well. This has
been discussed previously as well in the last 4-5 years. In addition with
non-enumerable properties you can just monkey-patch `Array.prototype` with
the `peek` or `last` method. I guess approach when some library forces some
method to widely used, can be a good candidate for adding it to the spec
(this how it was with `Function.prototype.bind`, e.g., although today
monkey-patching is a bad practice of course).

In addition, you can monkey-patch just `-1`, and other indexes, e.g. a gist
from 5 years old, when a similar topic was proposed here:

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