I love the paren-free head idea. But as an obsessive user of non-braced
single-statement if/for/while bodies, I don't see the advantage of making
the head paren-free at the cost of mandating braces for the body.

Has either of the following been considered:

if i < 3: foo();
if i < 3 do foo();


On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 4:43 PM, kdex <k...@kdex.de> wrote:

> I've noticed that there's a strawman that has been left untouched for
> quite a while, namely [strawman:paren_free](
> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:paren_free).
> It intends to make parentheses in heads optional, making, for instance:
> ```js
> if x > 3 {
>     /* … */
> }
> ```
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