Maps are the preferred data structure to POJOs in modern JS, but
initializing them is comparatively cumbersome:

new Map(Object.entries({a: 1, b: 2, 3: 4}))
new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2], [3, 4]])
new Map().set('a', 1).set('b', 2).set(3, 4)

The `Object.entries()` syntax only works for string keys and changes
ordering with number keys (`Object.keys({a: 1, 2: 3}) = ['2', 'a']`).

The key/value pair list syntax is the most concise but the trailing [[ ]]
brackets make it hard to spot missing/extra brackets, especially if the
keys/values are array literals.

The `Map#set()` syntax is the most verbose if there's many pairs, but
otherwise may be the best approach.

Verbosity is a problem with all of these, and it's been suggested
previously to add a new literal syntax to make using Maps more convenient:

It's not a clear-cut solution, however, since not all languages even have
collection literal notations, and adding a new one to JS would make it have
two partially overlapping ones; making Map literals borrow syntax from
Object literals would make it confusing (not least because of the Object
literal notation extensions like accessors and method shorthand that
wouldn't apply to maps) and there aren't many good options for a new
syntax. For example, Ruby Hashes use `{ key => value }` and Scala maps use
`Map(key -> value)`, but the arrow notation is already used by arrow
functions. C#6 added `... { [key] = value }`, but anything with extra
brackets is not much better than the existing syntax.

A solution that would largely deal with the verbosity and the extra outer
brackets would be to borrow idea of the `Array#of()` method:

Map.of(['a', 1], ['b', 2], [3, 4])

Same as `Array#of()`, this adds a method for what the constructor should
have been (variadic and not requiring `new`). The same would also work for
initializing sets:

Set.of(1, 2, 3)

It's a small difference, but it also is a relatively trivial change and
adds symmetry with `Array`. Shimming it is as simple as:

Map.of = (...args) => new Map(args)
Set.of = (...args) => new Set(args)
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