It works in V8 at least, so I assumed it's correct.

On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 8:29 PM, Bob Myers <> wrote:

> I'm quite sure this syntax is invalid.
> On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 9:36 PM, Renki Ivanko <>
> wrote:
>> You can already do it like this:
>> ```js
>> ((...[,,foo]) => foo)(1, 2, 3) // -> 3
>> ```
>> R. <>
>> On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Cyril Auburtin <
>> > wrote:
>>> Similarly to:
>>> `var [,x,,y] = [1,2,3,4,5,6];`
>>> I think it could be interesting to let a field empty in function
>>> arguments
>>> `[1,2,3,4].map( (,i) => i )`, `Array.from({length:10}, (,i) => i )`
>>> `function test(a,,b) { }`
>>> (but that would alter the current parsing, that doesn't allow it)
>>> Currently I often use `_` as a way to mark ignored fields, but when
>>> there are more than 1 you need another identifier. A standard way would be
>>> interesting rather
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