On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 12:01 AM Oriol Bugzilla <oriol-bugzi...@hotmail.com>

> Array.prototype.includes uses the second argument as the starting index.
> Therefore, these calls would be identical, but you want them to behave
> differently:
> ```
> ["a"].includes("a", 0); // true -- "a" can be found at position 0
> ["a"].includes(...["a", 0]); // false -- 0 can't be found in the array
> ```
> So no, it wouldn't work well. Moreover, why every and not e.g. some?
> But maybe new methods could be added, like includesEvery and includesSome.

Right. I should've checked that. Yup, `.includesEvery` and `.includesSome`
seem nice. I would call the latter `.includesAny`, I think.
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