On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 3:56 PM, Dmitry Soshnikov <dmitry.soshni...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 3:23 PM, Waldemar Horwat <walde...@google.com>
> wrote:
>> On 02/01/2017 10:25, Dmitry Soshnikov wrote:
>>> As mentioned, Cover grammar is usually the process of the grammar design
>>> itself (as in ES6 spec itself). I'm not aware of automatic transformations
>>> for this (if you find any please let me know).
>> Cover grammars are an ugly hack that we had to add when there was no
>> other practical choice.  Avoid them as much as possible.  They are only
>> used in situations where lookahead restrictions and parametrized grammar
>> rules do not work in any practical way.
> Yeah, absolutely agreed. The reason why I used cover grammar in that
> example to parse `{` as a `Block` vs. `ObjectLiteral`, and handle
> `ExpressionStatement` is to make the resulting grammar short, and don't
> introduce a bunch of `NoCurly`, etc extra productions for this. That's also
> said, this ugly hack also forces you to do post-processing overhead --
> either validation of the nodes, or even re-interpretation (rewriting) to
> other nodes -- in my case I have to actually check that all nodes between
> `{` and `}` are properties, or vice-versa, statements, based on the
> expression/statement position.
> Practically, a cover grammar still can be slower because of such
> post-processing overhead (imaging you have a giant file with just object --
> all those now are needed to be validated to contain property nodes). OTOH,
> a trade off with lookahead restrictions is introducing ~1.5x more parsing
> states.
>> When designing the grammar, the preferences are:
>> - Use standard LR(1) productions
>> - Use parametrized productions
>> - Use lookahead restrictions if parametrized productions would introduce
>> too many parameters into rules
>> - Use a cover grammar if the grammar can't be reasonably expressed in any
>> other way.  They're a last resort with lots of problems.
> Just to double-check, by "parametrized productions" you mean the
> `No<lookahead>` extra productions?

Or you actually mean "lookahead-parametrized" productions (like in SLR(1)
which doesn't use it, vs. LALR(1), or CLR(1) which do use it)?

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