You seem to be feel incredibly jaded about nearly everything posted here.
Perhaps if you suggested your own proposal that showed the clear advantages of
co-routines as you see it, then you might solve some of the issues instead of
just whining about it.
I assume that every single Javascript developer out there just wants the best
for the language as a whole, so maybe you should look at the counter-arguments
to co-routines to see where they're coming from and attempt to fix them?
On 26/02/2017 16:35:16, Florian Bösch <> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 5:30 PM, Codefined <
[]> wrote:
I'll be interested to see what you guys consider the advantages/disadvantages
of this method, which I hope to be "the middle between two ends" on whether to
go fully into promises or fully into co-routines. Neither of which are in my
opinion the optimal stance.
Hereabouts nobody's going to either full co-routines or even semi-implicit
co-routines. But JS doesn't matter, just compile to asm.js/WebAssembly or write
a bytecode engine atop JS etc. from a language that actually solves concurrent
programming well and isn't a hodgepodge of missed opportunities.
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