The reason this doesn't work is because `...` in this context is not array
destructuring - it's *iterable* destructuring. When you spread a string,
you don't get each code unit, you get each code *point* - and similarly,
you can spread any iterator, array or not, and collect items from it

Iterators can be infinite, and there's no way to communicate in advance of
"done" how many items there will be. So `[...a, b]` might freeze the
program, and `[a, ...b, c]` would only know that it could stop collecting
items into `b` once `c` had been reached and the iterator exhausted.

Object rest/spread is already a stage 3 proposal:

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:55 PM, Paul Whipp <> wrote:

> The ... destructuring for arrays is an excellent improvement that makes
> javascript code more readable and robust.
> On seeing the syntax for the first time I expected to be able to use it
> more completely. For example:
> ```js
> const [column, ...restOfColumns] = columns;
> const objProps = column.valueChain.slice(0, -1);
> const prop = column.valueChain[column.valueChain.length - 1];
> //const [...objProps, prop] = column.valueChain
> ```
> The commented out form `[...objProps, prop]` fails as per the spec, as
> would `[first,, last]` in spite of these being 'natural' uses that
> I believe a naive programmer (me at least ;)) would expect to work.
> As can be seen in the example above, if more complete destructuring were
> supported, javascript code using it would be easier to read and write.
> For objects, when the `...varName` is used on the LHS, I'd expect the
> varName to be assigned to a new object containing only those properties not
> extracted. In this case, as the order of keys in an object are arbitrary,
> the position of this element in the LHS would not matter. In addition to
> extracting properties from objects, this lets me have a shallow copy with
> `const {...copy} = source;` or to 'pop' a property with something like `
> {[propName]: propValue, ...obj} = obj}`.
> The object destructuring could be considered a separate proposal if
> necessary.
> -- Paul Whipp
> PS: First contemplated here
> <>
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