Few nits inline:


Isiah Meadows

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On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 11:11 PM, Bob Myers <r...@gol.com> wrote:
> The proposal to write `arr.reduce((+))`, with `(+)` as an alternative to
> `(a, b) => a + b` is admirably concise, but syntactically challenging.

Actually, it's not as *syntactically* challenging as you might think;
it can be discerned just by recognizing the token sequence `(` @ `)`,
where @ is the operator's token in question.

> The idea is a new form of function we'll call a "pound function", written as
> `#{ }`, Within the body, parameters are available as `#0`, `#1`, etc.

Potential complication: the parameter names visually conflict with the
private member proposal.


> ```js
> arr.reduce(#{# + #})
> arr.sort(#{#.order - #.order})
> ```

This quite honestly looks like line noise. Also, it doesn't look clear
at a glance whether it should be equivalent to `(a, b) => a + b` or `a
=> a + a` (using the first example).

> If need be, we can define `...##` inside pound functions as referring to the
> argument list, so
> ```js
> const sumParams = #{##.reduce(#{# + #})};
> ```

That does not look very elegant nor readable.

> Ugh. Anyway, I will leave it others to opine on whether this cryptic syntax
> is worth the trouble, issues related to nested pound functions, etc. etc.

You might want to investigate Clojure's [1] and Swift's [2] similar
existing syntaxes for this.

[1]: https://coderwall.com/p/panlza/function-syntax-in-clojure

> Bob
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