We are just talking on how we can enhance JS without “breaking the web”. And 
the solution we are talking about is to make a major revision of JS (JS version 
2), instead of breaking the current one (JS version 1).


From: Brendan Eich [mailto:brendan.e...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 5:51 PM
To: Alexander Craggs <alexan...@debenclipper.com>; doodad-js Admin 
<dooda...@gmail.com>; es-discuss@mozilla.org
Subject: Re: FW: Removal of language features


This thread makes me want to unsubscribe from es-discuss. I think I recreated 
the list. :-(


Please read https://esdiscuss.org/topic/no-more-modes and 


"Don't break the web" is not some vague high-minded notion of TC39's. It's a 
consequence of hard-to-change browser-market game theory. No browser wants to 
risk (however small the risk) breaking what might be more of the web than one 
thinks at first. It's very hard to find out what "the web" is and prove absence 
of breakage (paywalls, firewalls, archives, intranets, etc.). There's very 
little gain and potentially much pain, which could mean support calls and 
market share loss.


This is not just a browser market failure. Developers don't want their code 
broken, until they stop using something and then ask for it to be removed. That 
is not globally coordinated so it won't fly, as browser market share depends in 
part on developer testing and use of browsers. Ecosystem effects mitigate 
against breaking the web in deep ways, _in general_.


Yet ECMA-262 has broken compatibility in a few edge cases. And browser 
competition led to some dead limbs and underspecified pain-points (e.g., global 
object prototype chain).


And Google people seem to be leading the Web Intervention Community Group, 
which wants to break the web a bit (rather than block 3rd party ad/tracking 
scripts :-P). So perhaps we can break some DOM APIs such as sync touch events, 
without also breaking gmail :-). The jury is still out in my view, but Chrome 
has enough market power to push and assume more risk than other browsers.


Core language changes are different in kind from sync touch events. It's very 
hard to plan to remove anything on a practical schedule or order-of-work basis. 
Engine maintainers likely still hate more modes, and users should too. New 
syntax as its own opt-in still wins, although this obligates TC39 to work on 
future-proofing, e.g., : after declarator name in declaration for type 
annotation syntax.


So based on 22+ years doing JS, I believe anything like opt-in versioning for 
ES4, a la Python3 or Perl6, is a non-starter. Period, end of story.


Ok, I'm not unsubscribing -- but I hope more people read and search 
https://esdiscuss.org/ and engage with history instead of coming as if to a 
blank slate. Santayana's dictum applies.




On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 2:10 PM Alexander Craggs <alexan...@debenclipper.com 
<mailto:alexan...@debenclipper.com> > wrote:

I think version interoperability is a must in a world of Webpack & Browserify.

On 25/07/2017 21:12:58, doodad-js Admin <dooda...@gmail.com 
<mailto:dooda...@gmail.com> > wrote:

*         How are you going to deal with scenarios that don't have extensions, 
e.g. REPL or inline JS.


For inline, that’ll be:


<script type=”application/javascript.2>...</script>


For REPL, I don’t know... I didn’t think about this one :-) It should be based 
of the content of the page. And I don’t know if we should allow to mix 
different versions together. That’s things we’ll have to clarify.


*         Are extensions going to be released often, or is this going to be a 
one time thing? 


Just at another new major revision of JS, which should not happen before a long 


*         would it make more sense to start on js7 instead of js2


No, because ES6, ES7, ... are still JS 1.



From: Alexander Craggs [mailto:alexan...@debenclipper.com 
<mailto:alexan...@debenclipper.com> ] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2017 3:54 PM
To: doodad-js Admin <dooda...@gmail.com <mailto:dooda...@gmail.com> >; 
es-discuss@mozilla.org <mailto:es-discuss@mozilla.org> 
Subject: Re: FW: Removal of language features


I'm sorry, I missed that suggestion.


That definitely sounds significantly better than a new MIME type.  Although two 
thoughts I have are:


 - How are you going to deal with scenarios that don't have extensions, e.g. 
REPL or inline JS.


 - Are extensions going to be released often, or is this going to be a one time 
thing?  For example, would we increment the version number with the current JS 
version (js6, js7 etc) and if so, would it make more sense to start on js7 
instead of js2?

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