Not on the committee, but IMHO that should be up to MDN rather than
TC39. Also, you *could* look at the [meeting notes][1], specifically
the summaries of each meeting, to see what happened. Alternatively,
someone *could* create a centralized resource of what each meeting
decided. (I'd personally do it if I got a Patreon set up and got some
funding to do it, to make up for the lost productivity elsewhere.)


Isiah Meadows

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On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 7:29 AM, Michael Lewis <> wrote:
> tl;dr Maybe there needs to be an official blog?  And/or summarize decisions
> on MDN?
> With the advent of transpiling, the state of the ES language is in greater
> flux than ever before.  This group guides the development of the language
> itself.  Then there are the implementers of your specifications.  I won't
> pretend to know how it works, but it's safe to say, "it's like trying to hit
> a moving target."  While standing on a moving platform.
> When Andrea Giammarchi just wrote a post here showing an example of
> extending the native Array "class", I wasn't aware that was even
> possible/recommended.
> I found an article from 2015 the other day, and scoured at it's age.  "This
> is worthless! Nothing from 2015 is still valid today."  It's very common to
> discover some new syntax, and not really know what it is.  Is it a babel
> plugin?  TypeScript?  ES9000?  Where can I use it?  When should I use it?
> If this is the "official" JavaScript Steering Committee, then it would make
> sense that you should produce the authoritative documentation, and publish
> the authoritative announcements/reasoning.
> For example, when TC39 decided to remove properties from classes, there
> should have been an announcement.  It seems like many people disagree with
> this decision (myself included).
> The MDN web docs are trying to be the go to place for all things web.  Yet,
> I still google, "can i use es6 classes" to find browser compatibility info.
> Because MDN has already dissected "all the things" (they have navigation and
> pages for all the topics you might discuss), documenting certain design
> decisions on their site might make the most sense.  Maybe you just start
> with a TC39 Design Notes sub page that can be added in various places.
> We should condense, summarize, and publish the enormously complex work that
> is going on in these back channels.  Basically, extract the most important
> stuff.  Extract the signal from the noise, and share it in an official
> place.
> What is this community's stance on documentation?
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