It's been a year and a half since my last post and I've made a number of small 
changes and corrections over 2.5 years. The proposal is still on my github at:

I've talked to a lot of people about it, but I haven't gotten much criticism or 
suggested improvements. I'm a bit in over my head in trying to flesh out all 
the details or all the nuanced syntax changes that a championed proposal would 
be expected to do. That said I've been making more changes lately to try to 
find edge cases and potential problems.

I've been jotting down issues here: I closed a number of them 
recently as I made changes.

If anyone has any comments on what I should expand, look into more, or change 
I'm open to discussing them here or on github.

One issue in particular is this: It covers whether I 
should introduce a new assignment operator to my proposal. Maybe there's 
another way to look at it or a different solution. I need fresh eyes on the 
whole proposal really to get a list of new issues to tackle this year.

I'm also not against having one or multiple people champion it and working on 
it without me. (I haven't been able to dedicate time to read the ECMAScript 
spec and really understanding the grammar fully so having someone qualified to 
take over would help the proposal a lot).

Thanks for reading the proposal for anyone that has the time.
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