This was a nice post but it confused me! You said "Nothing has caused me
more trouble than types", then you said " types would be a great help". I'm
sure I just misunderstood what you meant.

Anyway, I think types are a great help in many cases and wouldn't
compromise the dynamic-ness of JavaScript whenever required!

On Tue, 16 Jan 2018 at 20:19 Brian Barnes <> wrote:

> My 2 cents from a pure developer (not js engine implementer.)  I've been
> developing for decades, started with assembly, to C, to C++ and Java,
> and lately have been fascinated with javascript, especially as it's run
> anywhere.
> I'm developing both a 3D shooter where every bit of content (maps,
> models, bitmaps, sounds) are randomly generated from scratch, and just
> started working on a 2D game engine with a game.  Doing this because I
> enjoy doing it (all open source if anybody cares.)
> I do very rapid development.  I code what I need, and when my need
> changes, I rework all the code.  Some of these engines have gone through
> multiple iterations.  All class based, BTW.
> Nothing has caused me more trouble than types.  Massive changes up and
> down a chain of code almost always create very hard to track errors.
> Adding things to signatures can be a nightmare because you have to
> retrack all that through the code and nothing tells you if you've messed
> up one somewhere.  It wastes more time than I can count.
>  From my personal experience, which might not be universal -- but this
> is a real world example, types would be a great help.  If only
> pre-compile hints, that's still a step forward.  If something the engine
> can use, that's even better.
> One other benefit -- if I decide to shift my code back to C++ and do web
> assembly (waiting for the tools to mature and become more turn-key) this
> makes it much easier to translate code, either way.
> [>] Brian
> On 1/16/2018 9:01 AM, Pier Bover wrote:
> >  >  javascript-fatigue is partly the realization from naive newcomers
> > that you almost always end up with spaghetti-code after integration, no
> > matter how hard you fight it
> >
> > And don't you think the lack of OST is in part fueling this situation?
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