So, let's say you want a new object containing only some of the properties from another object.
For example, if I have the Object1 like this: o1 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5 } And I want another object containing Object1's *b*, *c*, and *e*. I could: o2 = {...o1} // a full copy of o1 o2 = { b: o1.b, c: o1.c, e: o1.e} // works, but is "boring" :p let {b, c, e} = o // will create variables, instead of an o2 with the properties I think we could have a shorthand syntax that would be a combination of the syntaxes we already have. Something like: *o2 = {* * [b, c, e]: ...o1* *}* Or, perhaps: *o2 = {b, c, e}...o1* Is there another way we can already accomplish it with a modern syntax? Regards. [ ]s *--* *Felipe N. Moura* Web Developer, Google Developer Expert <>, Founder of BrazilJS <> and Nasc <>. Website: / Twitter: @felipenmoura <> Facebook: LinkedIn: --------------------------------- *Changing the world* is the least I expect from myself!
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