er, by "it looks larger than it appears" I meant "it's smaller than it
appears" or "it looks much larger than it is" or some such :).

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 5:21 PM, Dean Tribble <> wrote:

> A first round of spec-text is now pushed for the new APIs at
> A note on the API change in the last presentation: it looks larger than it
> appears.
> 1) Some of WeakRef was pushed in to a new parent, "WeakCell", so that it
> could better support long terms in wasm, and because there's now two types,
> 2) WeakRefGroup was renamed to WeakFactory.
> WeakRef is unchanged (and creation still preserves the Target until the
> end of turn). The new "WeakCell" is for finalization only, so it doesn't
> have a deref() *and* creation does not strongly preserve the Target until
> the end of the turn.
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 1:09 AM, Dean Tribble <> wrote:
>> We got another round of insurmountably good feedback, so I revised the
>> presentation again and am back to writing spec text.
>> I will get the revised spectext out before finishing the revision of the
>> accompanying proposal doc, which is primarily background and explanation.
>> On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 10:35 PM, Dean Tribble <>
>> wrote:
>>> This is just a heads up that the WeakRefs *presentation* has been
>>> updated with the improved API and semantics, based on various issues and
>>> discussions from the first version of the proposal.  The new version is
>>> updated in place and is still at:
>>> Weak%20References%20for%20EcmaScript.pdf
>>> The update for the proposal document itself is still in progress. I will
>>> reply here when it is updated (this week).
>>> Thank you to all the people who posted issues and examples and
>>> participated in those discussions.
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