Look here: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator/#related-proposals
One of the links points to a partial application operator, and
alternative proposals in that repo are being actively discussed which
don't require partial application. So similar stuff have already been
considered, and currying has come up more than once.

My personal argument for curried functions in the spec is that 1. it's
generally useful in many contexts, and 2. the engine can better
optimize the hell out of it, not having to enter a full function +
code context just to return a lightweight closure. (For similar
reasons, I've in the past railed engines, in particular V8, for not
properly optimizing `Function.prototype.bind`. The call sequence is
brain-dead easy to optimize, and there's no good reason for it to be
slower than a function expression.)

Isiah Meadows

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On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 3:43 PM, Vikash Agrawal
<vikashagrawal1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was going through the archives and found that some time ago, there had
> been discussions around currying
> [https://esdiscuss.org/topic/curried-functions] and wanted to know if there
> was any proposal for the same or how did the discussion go?
> I feel as we are proceeding with |> the pipeline operator, we should also
> discuss the potential of a currying operator and find out if this would be
> helpful.
> Regards
> ~Vikash
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