I agree, the `switch` statement was not on my radar and I don't see
that need, it's the scoped `if` constructs that would make code

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 8:50 AM, Isiah Meadows <isiahmead...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <concern>
> I get the nagging feeling someone is eventually going to complain that
> this feature is unnecessary and smells too much like `let` blocks:
> - Relevant thread: https://esdiscuss.org/topic/revive-let-blocks
> - How it ended:
> https://esdiscuss.org/topic/the-tragedy-of-the-common-lisp-or-why-large-languages-explode-was-revive-let-blocks
> </concern>
> It seems odd to extend it to `switch`, especially with an added
> condition like that. It seems odd to do something that's already
> easily accomplished with just an extra newline, with hardly any more
> typing:
> ```js
> const today = new Date()
> switch (today.getDay()) {
>     // ...
> }
> ```
> (The `if` examples don't have this same issue, BTW.)
> One statement I'd *like* to see this extended to is `while`, but it's
> partially duplicative of the C-style `for` (so it kind of feels wrong
> to add in a way). Also, it doesn't make sense to add for `do { ... }
> while (...)`, since the condition is after the block. So it seems this
> only really makes sense for `if`.
> I do have one other related thing I'd like to see: add a `let foo =
> expr() else { ... }` variant, with a line terminator restriction
> before the `else` so it can't be confused with an `else` within an
> `if`.
> -----
> Isiah Meadows
> m...@isiahmeadows.com
> Looking for web consulting? Or a new website?
> Send me an email and we can get started.
> www.isiahmeadows.com
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 3:21 AM, Rodrigo <rodrigol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Not just let-scopes, but the introduction of `async/await` also
>> welcomes the introduction of if-scoped variables.
>>     if (const data = await collection.find({}).toArray(); data.length > 10)
>> {
>>         console.log(data);
>>     } else if (data.length > 0) {
>>         console.log(data);
>>     } else {
>>         console.log(data);
>>     }
>> And, as mentioned by @jerry, this can be extended to `switch` and
>> `while`. Golang has `switch(;)` initialization too afaik.
>>     switch( const today = new Date(); today.getDay() ) {
>>          case 0:
>>             console.log( "Don't work on %s", today.toString() );
>>             break;
>>     }
>> `while` would be a bit unnecessary, due to the fact that it can be
>> replicated with `for( <assign>; <expression>; )`, but could be
>> available for consistency with `if` and `switch`.
>> El mié., 21 mar. 2018 19:47, Mike Samuel <mikesam...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 1:27 PM, Sebastian Malton <sebast...@malton.name>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Because block-level scoping is a very good way to avoid certain bugs and
>>>> is easier to reason about. Especially when considering project successors.
>>> +1.  function-scoped variables in loop bodies caused tons of bugs before
>>> let-scoped variables and were a main motivating case.
>>> var i;
>>> for (i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
>>>   f(function () { /* Do something with */ arr[i]; });
>>> }
>>> vs
>>> for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
>>>   f(function () { /* Do something with */ arr[i]; });
>>> }
>>> Yes, linters got pretty good at finding uses of closed-over variables
>>> modified in a loop, but the workarounds were not ideal.
>>> var i;
>>> for (i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
>>>   f(function (i) { return function () { /* Do something with */ arr[i]; }
>>> }(i));
>>> }
>>> Block scoping is just better for code that uses loops, variables, and
>>> function expressions.
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