You're probably asking what on Earth the point of this is, and I'll tell
you: _hoisting_.

My preferred ES5 code style was always to declare functions after their use:


function doSomething1 () {
  // ...

function doSomething2 () {
  // ...

It keeps things uncluttered and readable: you don't have to read through
random functions before they are used, and have to work out what they're
doing there.

If you're able to make use of ES6 arrow functions declared with
`const`/`let`, though, you would have to declare them before use. This
obviously goes against my preferred style, and can also result in
inconsistent placing of function declarations when mixed with conventional

My proposal is simple: after the initial `function name (params)`, allow
the following forms:
1. { // body code }
2. => { // body code }
3. => // expression ;

1. is of course the current form
2. is similar, except it's a block body arrow function (all the usual arrow
function differences apply; this binding, cannot be used with 'new', no
'arguments', no 'super'...)
3. allows for concise body arrow functions - semi-colon at end.


// with proposal

function doSomething1 () {
 // conventional function

function doSomething2 () => {
 // block body arrow function

function doSomething3 (value) => value ? foo(value) : bar();

// without proposal
const doSomething2 = () => {
  // block body arrow function
doSomething3 = value => value ? foo(value) : bar();


function doSomething1 () {
 // conventional function
As you can see, the latter code is just... messy and unpleasant.

I don't think there's any potential issues in regards to interpreting
syntax (it just requires a simple check for an arrow after the parameters),
nor with readability. Async We would definitely need to clarify behaviour
with `async` and generator functions, though.
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