We have two threads going on this with the same (and differeing)
points being raised in both, let's pick it up in the better-named

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On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 10:15 PM, Andrea Giammarchi
<andrea.giammar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just one thought ...
> ```js
> Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "append", {
>     value(...sources) {
>         this.push(...[...sources]);
>         return this;
>     },
>     writable: true,
>     configurable: true
> });
> ```
> ... but also another one ...
> ```js
> (array.push(...sources), array)
> ```
> it seems to little of an improvement to become new Array method, I am
> already confused with includes and contains that append and push, when Sets
> have add, might cause me unnecessary headaches.
> Regards
> On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 10:14 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 1:05 PM, Jordan Harband <ljh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > `array.push(...sources)`, not sure why we'd need "append".
>> From the original email (a bit buried and hard to find due to broken
>> threading, admittedly):
>> > Has anyone ever suggested Array.prototype.append as an
>> > Array.prototype.push which returns the array itself?
>> The point is x.append(y) returning x, whereas x.push(y) returns y.
>> ~TJ
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