* having an extra keyword ...

On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 9:44 AM, Andrea Giammarchi <
andrea.giammar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My 2 cents,
>   I use lazy getters since about ever and I'd love to have such syntax in
> place but I think there is room for some improvement / simplification in
> terms of syntax.
> *## Keep it getish*
> From parsing perspective, introducing `lazy tail()` seems way simpler than
> introducing `lazy tail:` for the simple reason that everything that can
> parse `get tail()` and `set tail()` is in place already in every engine. I
> don't write them but I'm sure having an extra keyboard to catch shouldn't
> be crazy complicated.
> *## class compatible*
> because you used `delete this.tail` and mentioned functional programming,
> I'd like to underline ES doesn't force anyone to one programming style or
> another. That means new syntax should play nicely with classes too, and in
> this case the proposal doesn't seem to address that because of the direct
> value mutation, as generic property, and the removal of that property from
> the object, something not needed if inherited.
> My variant would do the same, except it would keep the value an accessor:
> ```js
> const take = (n, xs) => n === 0 ? null : xs && {
>     head: xs.head,
>     lazy tail() {
>       return Object.defineProperty(this, 'tail', {
>         configurable: false,
>         get: (value =>
>           // still a getter
>           () => value
>         )(
>           // executed once
>           take(n - 1, xs.tail)
>         )
>       }).tail;
>     }
> };
> ```
> This would keep initial accessor configuration, in terms of enumerability,
> but it will freeze its value forever and, on top of that, this will play
> already well with current valid ES2015 classes syntax.
> I also believe myself proposed something similar a while ago (or somebody
> else and I agreed with that proposal) but for some reason it never landed.
> Hopefully this time the outcome would be different.
> Best Regards
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 9:13 AM, Aadit M Shah <aaditms...@fastmail.fm>
> wrote:
>> Hello TC39,
>> I recently opened an issue <https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/issues/1223> in
>> the tc39/ecma262 <https://github.com/tc39/ecma262> repository, proposing
>> a new syntax for lazy getters, and I was directed to the CONTRIBUTING
>> <https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md> page which
>> stated that I should start a conversation on this mailing list.
>> So, my feature proposal is to have syntactic sugar for creating lazy
>> getters
>> <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/get#Smart_self-overwriting_lazy_getters>.
>> To summarize my original proposal (which you can read by following the very
>> first link above), I find that creating lazy getters is very verbose. For
>> example, consider:
>> const take = (n, xs) => n === 0 ? null : xs && {
>>     head: xs.head,
>>     get tail() {
>>         delete this.tail;
>>         return this.tail = take(n - 1, xs.tail);
>>     }
>> };
>> My proposed solution is to add a new keyword lazy to the language. This
>> keyword can only be used as a prefix to longhand property names in object
>> initializers, and it defers the execution of the value expression until the
>> property is accessed. In short, it's just syntactic sugar for lazy getters:
>> const take = (n, xs) => n === 0 ? null : xs && {
>>     head: xs.head,
>>     lazy tail: take(n - 1, xs.tail)
>> };
>> This is purely syntactic sugar. The semantics of this new syntax would
>> remain the same as that of the desugared syntax. In particular, calling
>> Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(list, "tail") would return an accessor
>> descriptor before accessing list.tail and a data descriptor afterwards.
>> Furthermore, there are other advantages of having this syntactic sugar.
>> For example, creating cyclic data structures becomes much easier. Examples
>> are provided in my original proposal which is linked above. Hope to hear
>> your thoughts on this.
>> Regards,
>> Aadit M Shah
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