var small = BigInt("5");
var big = BigInt("5555555555555555555555555500003");
VM330:1 Uncaught TypeError: Do not know how to serialize a BigInt
    at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
    at <anonymous>:1:6

JSON Number serialization has apparently reached a new level (of confusion).

Personally I don't see the problem.  XML did just fine without hard-coded data 

The JSON type system is basically a relic from JavaScript.  As such it has 
proved to be quite useful.
However, when you are outside of that scope, the point with the JSON type 
system gets pretty much zero since you anyway need to map extended types.

Oracle's JSON-B solution which serializes small values as Number and large values as 
String rather than having a unified serialization based on the underlying data type seems 
like a pretty broken concept although indeed fully conforming to the JSON specification. 
"Like the Devil reads the Bible" as we say in Scandinavia :-)

Adding a couple of double quotes is a major problem?  If so, it seems like a 
way more useful project making quotes optional for keys (named in a specific 
way), like they already are in JavaScript.

Yeah, and of course adding support for comments.


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