This reads a little oddly, but another syntax option would be `prop in.own obj` (equivalent to `obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)`) and then `prop !in.own obj`.

Or perhaps `in.own` should be, prop)?

Though this makes me think it would be nice to have something like `name mymap` (equivalent to `mymap.has(name)`)

On 07/20/2018 10:09 AM, Augusto Moura wrote:
The only use that came to mind was detecting a property descriptor in a prototype chain. Sure is not a day to day use case, but it's useful when writing libraries that involve descriptor modifications (decorators, for example, will largely involve it). Recently I had to get the descriptor of properties in a potencial deep inheritance (current Object helpers only return own descriptors), and used the `in` operator to guard the prototype recursive search.

``` js
const searchRecursivelyPropDescriptor = (obj, prop) =>
    ? undefined
    : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop) || searchRecursivelyPropDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), prop);

const getPropertyDescriptor = (obj, prop) =>
  prop in obj ? searchRecursivelyPropDescriptor(obj, prop) : undefined;

Anyways, we can't simply ignore the operator, if we are getting a `!instance` and opening precedence to future operators (`!on` or `!hasOwn`) I don't see any problems with a `!in`. Legacy bad design should not affect language consistency of new features.

Em qui, 19 de jul de 2018 às 12:07, Mike Samuel < <>> escreveu:

    On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 10:40 AM Augusto Moura
    < <>> wrote:

        Of couse the usage of `in` is most of the time is not
        recommended, but it has it place.

    What places does it have?
    I remain unconvinced that `in` has significant enough use cases to
    warrant high-level ergonomics
    were it being proposed today.

    It exists, and it'll probably never be removed from the language,
    but I don't think it should be taught
    as a good part of the language, and linters should probably flag it.

Augusto Moura

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