If the "name" is just a string, though, then it's just another global
namespace. I could access a private field named "id" on every object that
had one, in a try/catch, and i'd be able to not just observe if an object
has an "id" private field, but access or alter its contents.

On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 9:37 PM, Ranando King <king...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > The proposal commingles static and instance private properties.  In the
> first example, you could read or write this#.field2, and it would work.
> How would you encode the generic expression a#.[b]?
> That's not quite right. I added some details about how all this works a
> few hours after you wrote this message. Here's the gist:
> The `static` keyword would cause `field2` to be placed in the
> `[[PrivateValues]]` record of the function. The `protected` keyword would
> cause a key/value pair resembling `"field2": Symbol("field2")` to be placed
> in the `[[DeclarationInfo]]` record of the function. Since you used `this`,
> I will assume it is an instance of `ExampleFn`. The expression
> `this#.field2` within `ExampleFn` would translate into
> `this.[[PrivateValues]][this.[[DeclarationInfo]].field2] ->
> this.[[PrivateValues]][undefined] -> TypeError`
> assuming that the prototype of `ExampleFn` contained no definition for
> field2. Since the `static` field belongs to the function it is declared in,
> it can only be accessed via the function object itself, i.e.
> `ExampleFn#.field2` or `this.constructor#.field2` or the array-notation
> equivalents. I can't say that I'm understanding what you're looking for
> with `a#.[b]` That looks like a syntax error to me. If you're trying to
> understand how `a#[b]` works, it would be exactly the same. The best way to
> understand how it works is to look at this equation for the `#` operator.
> <lParam>#<rParam> === <lParam>.[[PrivateValues]][<
> lParam>.[[DeclarationInfo]]<rParam>]
> In the case of `a#[b]`, the result would be:
> a.[[PrivateValues]][a.[[DeclarationInfo]] [b] ]
> I get that all the square braces can make that hard to read, so here's the
> step by step:
>    1. Throw a type error if a is not an object
>    2. Let D be the [[DeclarationInfo]] record of object.
>    3. if D is not in the lexical scope chain of the current function,
>    throw a TypeError
>    4. Let N be the value for the key matching b in D, or undefined if no
>    such key exists.
>    5. Let P be the [[PrivateValues]] record of object a
>    6. If N is not a key of P, Throw a TypeError
>    7. return P[N]
> > Worse, the proposal commingles all private properties across all
> classes.  There's nothing in the proposed code stopping you from reading
> and writing private properties defined by class A on instances of an
> unrelated class B.
> That's not right either. The example desugaring does indeed throw all maps
> into the same WeakMap. I'll work on that to make a better example. However,
> to get a better understanding of how I see the implementation, you should
> read the implementation details section. There's a much better description
> there. Besides, the 7 step description I just wrote for you should help you
> realize that:
>    - If the function you're in doesn't know the names of the private
>    fields of your object, you get a TypeError.
>    - If the object you're accessing doesn't recognize the name of the
>    field you're trying to access, you get a TypeError.
> So there really is no way to apply the private field names of `class A`
> onto an instance of `class B`.
> I'll spend some time tonight re-tooling my example desugaring and a few
> other details I thought of while writing this in the proposal. Hopefully,
> that'll prevent more confusion.
> On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 7:55 PM Waldemar Horwat <walde...@google.com>
> wrote:
>> On 07/26/2018 01:55 PM, Ranando King wrote:
>> > I've just finished updating my proposal with an [Existing proposals](
>> https://github.com/rdking/proposal-object-members/blob/master/README.md#
>> existing-proposals) section that lists the major differences.
>> Reading the proposal, I'm not yet sure what it's supposed to do.  Some
>> things I've noticed:
>> - The proposal commingles static and instance private properties.  In the
>> first example, you could read or write this#.field2, and it would work.
>> How would you encode the generic expression a#.[b]?
>> - Worse, the proposal commingles all private properties across all
>> classes.  There's nothing in the proposed code stopping you from reading
>> and writing private properties defined by class A on instances of an
>> unrelated class B.
>>      Waldemar
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