For all here interested, you might want to follow this Twitter
conversation I started. My theory is a subtle spec bug that copied the
number instead of recalculating the formula.


Isiah Meadows


Isiah Meadows

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 12:43 AM Anders Rundgren
<> wrote:
> On 2019-01-24 04:45, Ethan Resnick wrote:
> >     Well, if you remove the trailing 0s you get an entirely different 
> > number.  That's pretty significant.
> >     Note that this is the default ES serialization as well.
> >
> >
> > This makes no sense to me. Yes, removing trailing 0s, and therefore 
> > changing the magnitude of the number, changes its meaning. But significant 
> > digits are about capturing precision, not magnitude.
> Hi Ethan,
> I'm neither the designer of this API nor have I looked at the implementations 
> either I guess that 21 comes from how number serializer works without locale 
> settings.
> >
> > Let's make this concrete:
> >
> > The number 134449999999999984510435328 happens to have an exact floating 
> > point representation. However, because that number is larger than the max 
> > safe integer, many other integers are best approximated by the same 
> > floating point value. 134449999999999980000000000 is one such number.
> >
> > So, if you do:
> >
> > 134449999999999984510435328..toLocaleString('en', { 
> > maximumSignificantDigits: 21, useGrouping: false })
> >
> > and
> >
> > 134449999999999980000000000..toLocaleString('en', { 
> > maximumSignificantDigits: 21, useGrouping: false })
> >
> > you actually get the same output in each case, which makes sense, because 
> > both numbers are represented by the same floating point behind the scenes.
> Right, the ES number serializer doesn't take these edge cases in 
> consideration.
> >
> > Now, it seems like the serialization logic in `toLocaleString` (or 
> > `toPrecision`) has two options.
> >
> > First, it could assume that the number it's serializing started life as a 
> > decimal and got converted to the nearest floating point, in which case the 
> > serialization code doesn't know the original intended number. In this case, 
> > its best bet is probably to output 0s in those places where the original 
> > decimal digits are unknown (i.e., for all digits beyond the precision that 
> > was stored). This is actually what toLocaleString does; i.e., all digits 
> > after the 17th are 0, because 64-bit floating points can only store 17 
> > decimal digits of precision. This is where my original question came in, 
> > though: if a float can only encode 17 digits of precision, why would the 
> > maximumSignificantDigits be capped at 21? It seems like the values 18–21 
> > are all just equivalent to 17.
> >
> > The other option is that the serialization code could assume that the 
> > number stored in the float is exactly the number the user intended (rather 
> > than a best approximation of some other decimal number). This is actually 
> > what `toPrecision` does. I.e., if you call `toPrecision(21)` on either of 
> > the numbers given above, you get 21 non-zero digits, matching the first 21 
> > digits of the underlying float value: `"1.34449999999999984510e+26"`. But, 
> > again, the limit of 21 seems odd here too. Because, if you're going to 
> > assume the float represents exactly the intended number, why not be willing 
> > to output all 27 significant digits in the decimal above? Or more than 27 
> > digits for the decimal representation of bigger floats?
> Did you try:
> (1.34449999999999984510e+250).toLocaleString('en', { 
> maximumSignificantDigits: 21, useGrouping: false })
> In Chrome I actually got 250 digits!
> My conclusion is that the internationalization API wasn't designed for 
> "scientific" work.
> It was probably created for displaying "normal" numbers whatever that means 
> :-)
> Anders
> > In other words, it seems like `maximumSignificantDigits` should either be 
> > capped at 17 (the real precision of the underlying float) or at 309 (the 
> > length of the decimal representation of the largest float). But neither of 
> > those are 21, hence my original question...
> >
> > On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 2:32 AM Anders Rundgren 
> > < <>> 
> > wrote:
> >
> >     This limit seems a bit strange though:
> >
> >     console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat('en', { maximumFractionDigits: 20 
> > }).format(-0.0000033333333333333333));
> >
> >     Result: -0.00000333333333333333
> >
> >     That's actually two digits less than produced by the default ES 
> > serialization.
> >     "maximumFractionDigits" is limited to 20.
> >
> >     Anders
> >
> >
> >     On 2019-01-21 06:54, Ethan Resnick wrote:
> >      >     if you input this in a browser debugger it will indeed respond 
> > with the same 21 [sort of] significant digits
> >      >
> >      > 999999999999999900000
> >      >
> >      > I'm pretty sure the 0s don't count as significant digits 
> > <> (and, with floating point 
> > numbers, it makes sense that they wouldn't).
> >      >
> >      >     l this is probably best asked at 
> >, since it seems to imply a potential spec 
> > bug.
> >      >
> >      >
> >      > Although my question was framed in terms of NumberFormat, I don't 
> > actually think this is Ecma 402-specific. Specifically, I believe the limit 
> > started, or at least also applies to, the Number.prototype.toPrecision 
> > <>
> >  API from Ecma 262 (where it is equally unexplained).
> >      >
> >      >     That's true for decimal values, but the limit of 21 would also 
> > include the fractional portion of the double value as well, so would need 
> > more than 17, I think?
> >      >
> >      >
> >      > My understanding of floating point encoding is that 17 digits will 
> > also cover the fractional portion. The only case I can think of where 17 
> > digits might not be enough is if the number system is not base 10; e.g., a 
> > base 6 number system would presumably require more digits. But, I don't see 
> > any such number systems as output options in the NumberFormat API, and such 
> > localization concerns don't really explain the limit in N.p.toPrecision 
> > linked above, which is definitely dealing with base 10.
> >      >
> >      > On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 4:48 PM Logan Smyth < 
> > <> < 
> > <>>> wrote:
> >      >
> >      >     It does seem unclear why the limit is 21. Is that maybe the most 
> > you need to uniquely stringify any double value?
> >      >
> >      >      > an only encode up to 17 significant decimal digits
> >      >
> >      >     That's true for decimal values, but the limit of 21 would also 
> > include the fractional portion of the double value as well, so would need 
> > more than 17, I think?
> >      >
> >      >     On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 1:18 PM Isiah Meadows 
> > < <> 
> > < <>>> wrote:
> >      >
> >      >         I feel this is probably best asked at 
> >, since it seems to imply a potential spec 
> > bug.
> >      >
> >      >         -----
> >      >
> >      >         Isiah Meadows
> >      > <> 
> > < <>>
> >      > <> 
> > <>
> >      >
> >      >
> >      >         On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 2:31 PM Anders Rundgren 
> > < <> 
> > < 
> > <>>> wrote:
> >      >
> >      >             On 2019-01-20 20:18, Ethan Resnick wrote:
> >      >              > Hi,
> >      >              >
> >      >              > Apologies if es-discuss is the wrong venue for this; 
> > I've tried first poring through the specs and asking online to no avail.
> >      >              >
> >      >              > My question is: why is the limit for the 
> > `maximumSignificantDigits` option in the `NumberFormat` API set at 21? This 
> > seems rather arbitrary — and especially odd to me given that, iiuc, all 
> > Numbers in JS, as 64 bit floats, can only encode up to 17 significant 
> > decimal digits. Is this some sort of weird historical artifact of 
> > something? Should the rationale be documented anywhere?
> >      >
> >      >             I don't know for sure but if you input this in a browser 
> > debugger it will indeed respond with the same 21 [sort of] significant 
> > digits
> >      >             999999999999999900000
> >      >
> >      >             rgds,
> >      >             Anders
> >      >              >
> >      >              > Thanks!
> >      >              >
> >      >              > Ethan
> >      >              >
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