
This would be covered by do expressions
<https://github.com/tc39/proposal-do-expressions>. You could just do:

const category = do {
  switch (...) {

On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 10:42 AM David Koblas <da...@koblas.com> wrote:

> After looking at a bunch of code in our system noted that there are many
> cases where our code base has a pattern similar to this:
>      let category = data.category;
>      if (category === undefined) {
>        // Even if Tax is not enabled, we have defaults for incomeCode
>        switch (session.merchant.settings.tax.incomeCode) {
>          case TaxIncomeCode.RENTS_14:
>            category = PaymentCategory.RENT;
>            break;
>          case TaxIncomeCode.INDEPENDENT_PERSONAL_SERVICE_17:
>            category = PaymentCategory.SERVICES;
>            break;
>          case TaxIncomeCode.INDEPENDENT_PERSONAL_SERVICE_17:
>            category = PaymentCategory.SERVICES;
>            break;
>        }
>      }
> I also bumped into a block of go code that also implemented similar
> patterns, which really demonstrated to me that there while you could go
> crazy with triary nesting there should be a better way.  Looked at the
> pattern matching proposal and while could possibly help looked like it
> was overkill for the typical use case that I'm seeing. The most relevant
> example I noted was switch expressions from Java.  When applied to this
> problem really create a simple result:
>      const category = data.category || switch (setting.incomeCode) {
>        case TaxIncomeCode.RENTS_14 => PaymentCategory.RENT;
>        case TaxIncomeCode.ROYALTIES_COPYRIGHTS_12 =>
> PaymentCategory.ROYALTIES;
>        case TaxIncomeCode.INDEPENDENT_PERSONAL_SERVICE_17 =>
> PaymentCategory.SERVICES;
>        default => PaymentCategory.OTHER;
>      }
> Note; the instead of using the '->' as Java, continue to use => and with
> the understanding that the right hand side is fundamentally function.
> So similar things to this are natural, note this proposal should remove
> "fall through" breaks and allow for multiple cases as such.
>      const quarter = switch (foo) {
>        case "Jan", "Feb", "Mar" => "Q1";
>        case "Apr", "May", "Jun" => "Q2";
>        case "Jul", "Aug", "Sep" => "Q3";
>        case "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" => { return "Q4" };
>        default => { throw new Error("Invalid Month") };
>      }
> Also compared this to the do expression proposal, it also provides a
> substantial simplification, but in a way that is more consistent with
> the existing language.  In one of their examples they provide an example
> of the Redux reducer
> https://redux.js.org/basics/reducers#splitting-reducers -- this would be
> a switch expression implementation.
>      function todoApp(state = initialState, action) => switch
> (action.type) {
>        case SET_VISIBILITY_FILTER => { ...state, visibilityFilter:
> action.filter };
>        case ADD_TODO => {
>            ...state, todos: [
>              ...state.todos,
>              {
>                text: action.text,
>                completed: false
>              }
>            ]
>          };
>        case TOGGLE_TODO => {
>            ...state,
>            todos: state.todos.map((todo, index) => (index ===
> action.index) ? { ...todo, completed: !todo.completed } : todo)
>          };
>        default => state;
>      }
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