Template literal(includes tagged template) is so strong feature.
It makes it possible to add elegant DSL for Library(or maybe framework)
which also can interact with js.([styled-component proofed this with their
Why don't we use them to enhance ECMAScript's API?

If we allow using tagged template to constructors just like this:

new Constructor`
`; // what about to call this syntax as tagged constructor?

we can do something like this:

#### If `Function` construcor is taggable

const sum = new Function`
  (a, b) {
    return a + b;

#### If `Map` constructor is taggable

new Map`
   a: 1234,
   one: ${() => 1},
   str: 'Hello!',
   bool: true

#### If `Set` constructor is taggable. and It supports list comprehension

new Set`
    -> ${x => x * 2}
    -> ${x => x < 10}
`; // Set [2, 4, 6, 8]

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