Revisiting this topic: why is the Template Method pattern not acceptable to 
accomplish this?

class Base {
    constructor() {

class A extends Base {

let a = new A()
// console reads:
// > Base._beforeAction()
// > A._action()
// > Base._afterAction()


Monday, February 11, 2019 10:34 PM Michael Haufe <> 

> You can use a Proxy in the base class:
> <script>
> let handlerExample = {
>     get(target, prop) {
>         let feature = target[prop]
>         return feature instanceof Function ?
>             function () {
>                 console.log('Before call');
>                 let result = feature.apply(this, arguments)
>                 console.log('After call');
>                 return result
>             }
>             : feature
>     }
> }
> class Base {
>     constructor() {
>         return new Proxy(this, handlerExample)
>      }
>     m1() { return "m1" }
> }
> class Sub extends Base {
>     m1() { return `override ${super.m1()}` }
>     m2() { return `m2` }
> }
> let base = new Base()
> console.log(base.m1())
> let sub = new Sub()
> console.log(sub.m1())
> console.log(sub.m2())
> </script>
> /Michael

On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 1:22 AM #!/JoePea <> wrote:

 > I many times find myself in cases where a base class wants to ensure that 
 > logic is always fired after the current method's execution, so that for 
 > example no matter in which order sub classes call the `super` method, the 
 > `super` method can still guarantee that logic fires after the whole stack of 
 > the same method in the class hierarchy.

> So what I can do now is use `Promise.resolve().then(() => { ... })` to 
> schedule that logic for later, that way all the invocations of a `foo` method 
> along the class hierarchy have all fired. But this means that other code can 
> also fire before the next microtask.

> Is there some way to do it? If not, I wonder if some language feature for 
> doing it would be possible?
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