I feel like I'm going crazy, but I have a class hierarchy, and one of
the constructors in the hierarchy defers some logic to a microtask,

// class Foo
constructor() {
  Promise.resolve().then(() => {

methodThatSubclassOverrides() {}

and in the subclass there is

// class Bar extends Foo
constructor() {
  this.foo = 123

methodThatSubclassOverrides() {
  console.log(this.foo) // should be "123"

You'd think the output should be "123" because the deferred code will
run after construction is complete.

However, in my current project, the promise deferral seems to run
before the construction returns to the Bar constructor, thus this.foo
is not set, and calls `methodThatSubclassOverrides` before the Bar
class has a chance to run `this.foo = 123`. So the result of the
console.log is "undefined".

It is totally weird. Do Promises ever resolve before a constructor
stack finishes?

I don't have a simple reproduction at the moment.

- Joe
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