I'm putting a custom element in a template and then "selecting" it out to 
Window level. It seem to loose its identity as a custom element.

// In page
<template id="holder">
    <my-element field="A"></my-element>

<script type="module">
    class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
        constructor() {
        get Field() { return this.getAttribute("field");}

    window.customElements.define("my-element", MyElement);

    const frag = document.querySelector("#holder").content;
    const el = frag.querySelector("my-element");

When `<my-element>` is a page level and not in a template I can read 
`xxx.Field`. When it comes from within a template it seems to no longer act 
like the custom element - xxx.Field isn't defined. The script selecting it is 
at "Window" level, so shouldn't it "cast" correctly?
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