Hi Logan,

Thank you .. that makes sense. I’m not sure why now but I had in mind that 
finally() creates a “passthrough” promise that doesn’t affect its parent 
promise’s resolved/rejected status.


> On Mar 28, 2020, at 21:40, Logan Smyth <loganfsm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Could someone point me to something that would help me to understand the 
> > logic here? It looks like the first finally() is getting a “free pass” 
> > while only the 2nd and subsequent ones trigger their own 
> > unhandled-rejection warnings.
> I think the best place to start in understanding this would be to step back 
> and make sure you understand what it is that triggers these errors. Node 
> triggers these errors when a promise object has been rejected but has no 
> handlers to do respond to the rejection. I forget exactly what point Node 
> checks for handlers these days, if that point is at the end of the job 
> execution or on GC of promises now or what but that's not important for this 
> case. 
> Let's look at your example. I'm also simplifying it to
> ```
> var p = Promise.reject(789); 
> var one = p.finally(() => {}); 
> var two = p.finally(() => {}); 
> var three = p.finally(() => {});
> ```
> 1)
> ```
> var p = Promise.reject(789);
> ```
> There is only one promise here, `p`, and it has no handlers ever attached to 
> it so there is nothing to handle the rejection error, hence the single 
> uncaught rejection error.
> 2) 
> ```
> var p = Promise.reject(789); 
> var one = p.finally(() => {});
> ```
> There are 2 promises here, `p`, which has one handler (the `finally` that 
> will take the rejection of `p` and in turn reject `one`) and `one`, which has 
> no handlers attached, so you again get a single uncaught rejection. It as not 
> that the first "finally" gets a "free pass", it is that rejections from `p` 
> are no longer uncaught, but you have added a new promise that is uncaught, so 
> the overall number of uncaught rejections does not change.
> 3)
> ```
> var p = Promise.reject(789); 
> var one = p.finally(() => {}); 
> var two = p.finally(() => {});
> ```
> Hopefully you can see where this is going. `p` now has 2 handlers attached so 
> its rejection isn't uncaught, but now both `one` and `two` have no handlers, 
> so _both_ will trigger an uncaught rejection error.
> 4)
> ```
> var p = Promise.reject(789); 
> var one = p.finally(() => {}); 
> var two = p.finally(() => {});
> var three = p.finally(() => {});
> ```
> And finally now we have `one`, `two` and `three` all with no handlers 
> attached, so you will get three uncaught rejection errors.
> Hope that helps!
>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2020 at 9:03 AM Felipe Gasper <fel...@felipegasper.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In node 12 as well as the latest Chrome and FF (all on macOS) I see the 
>> following:
>> -----
>> var y,n; var p = new Promise( (yy,nn) => { y=yy; n=nn } ); n(789);
>> ==> produces 1 unhandled-rejection warning
>> var y,n; var p = new Promise( (yy,nn) => { y=yy; n=nn } ); p.finally( () => 
>> {} ); n(789);
>> ==> produces 1 unhandled-rejection warning
>> var y,n; var p = new Promise( (yy,nn) => { y=yy; n=nn } ); p.finally( () => 
>> {} ); p.finally( () => {} ); n(789);
>> ==> produces 2 unhandled-rejection warnings
>> var y,n; var p = new Promise( (yy,nn) => { y=yy; n=nn } ); p.finally( () => 
>> {} ); p.finally( () => {} ); p.finally( () => {} ); n(789);
>> ==> produces 3 unhandled-rejection warnings
>> -----
>> Could someone point me to something that would help me to understand the 
>> logic here? It looks like the first finally() is getting a “free pass” while 
>> only the 2nd and subsequent ones trigger their own unhandled-rejection 
>> warnings.
>> Thank you!
>> cheers,
>> -Felipe Gasper
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