InterType Declarations

InterType Declarations are a useful Iand popular) way of adding
functionality to an object, usually to the prototype of a constructor.

Lets say I have a class Widget that I want to borrow from:

class Widget {

  private function Widget(){}

  static {
    getByNode : function():Widget { }

  prototype {
    var isBeingDragged : false,
    valueOf : function(){ },
    toString : function():String { },

  function moveTo(x, y){ }

Class Orangutan {} // Borrows from Widget

In ES3, I can use a crossCut function:

crossCut : function(receiver, supplier, propsArray, borrowFilter) { }

What is the ES4 way to introspect or modify or a class?

I want to provide beforeAdvice to the static Widget.getInstance.
For other Orangutan, I want to provide afterAdvice to the constructor
(add to pool) (or is this aroundAdvice?).
I want to borrow the prototype properties of Widget, to Orangutan (for
default read access)
I want to borrow the static methods.

Is this done through the traits?

Can I modify a sealed class? My understanding is that a sealed class'
instances can't have dynamic props. what about the class itself?

Also, is there a way to get the function name from an anonymous
function via the identifier it's bound with, or do I have to type:
getByNode: function getByNode():Widget{ }. I find the repetition
annoying to my hands and eyes. I want access to the function name
without having to do this.

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