On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 8:32 PM, Kris Zyp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I've read mention of the weirdness of the timing window between the
>  >> property definition and it's marking as non-enumerable.  That combined
>  >> with the above observation makes me wonder if this should really be
>  >> obj.__setNonEnumerableProperty__(name, value);
>  >
>  > +1
>  I like it too. Any chance that by setting the attribute at the same time of
>  setting the property value, we could resurrect the possibility of setting
>  other attributes as well (with a single method):
>  Object.prototype.__setPropertyWithAttributes__(name, value, dontEnum:
>  boolean, readOnly: boolean, dontDelete: boolean);
>  And various proposed syntax like:
>  obj = {dontenum a: 1, const b: 2, var c: 3};
>  could be written:
>  obj = {};
>  obj.__setPropertyWithAttributes__("a",1,true); // property a is not
>  enumerable
>  obj.__setPropertyWithAttributes__("b",2,false,true); // property b is
>  readonly
>  obj.__setPropertyWithAttributes__("c",3,false,false,true); // propery c is
>  permanent
The order of the boolean parameters is kind of annoying to have  to remember.

Would it be OK to shorten the method?

obj.__setProperty__("c"); // undefined value
obj.__setProperty__("c", 2);
obj.__setProperty__("c", undefined, "dontenum", "readonly");
obj.__setProperty__("c", undefined, "dontdelete");

-- or --

obj.__setProperty__("c", undefined). // Reference type.

>  I wonder if readonly and dontdelete are other attributes where there might
>  be benefits derived from trusted code (regular ES3/4) being able to control,
>  and untrusted code (ses, caja) not being able to control. I can't think of
>  what those benefits might be, maybe another question for Mark or Doug to
>  think on.
>  Kris
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