A later version of ES may or may not embrace some sort of concurrency
solution.  (It seems likely, but who knows.)  I don't think it's possible
to say anything about what form that might take, except I'm fairly sure
that shared-memory threads won't be it.

My opinion is that if there are features that are primarily useful for
concurrency (and it sounds like what you have in mind is that) then we
should not try to guess about them until we start talking about
concurrency in earnest.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Teller
> Sent: 21. mars 2008 03:26
> To: es4-discuss@mozilla.org
> Subject: Re: ES4 draft LAST CALL: Map
> I have a question related to collections in general.
> I have the impression that ES4 will someday accept some kind 
> of high-level concurrency, possibly Erlang-style. If so, we 
> will probably need the ability to perform some kind of 
> (destructive) pattern-matching/switch-type on the contents of 
> a collection. Now, maybe this kind of pattern-matching will 
> only needed for some concurrency-specific data structure, say 
> a dynamically-typed Mailbox (à la Erlang) or a 
> statically-typed Channel (à la Concurrent ML) or perhaps 
> something higher-level (à la JoCaml).
> With the current definition of Map and collections, this form 
> of pattern-matching may probably be hand-coded using an 
> iterator and intrinsic::remove, although the process is 
> relatively unfriendly and the thread-safety will remain 
> uncertain until there's a concurrency model for ES4.
> Now, on to my question: should we add a method for finding 
> some data in a collection from destructive pattern-matching 
> or should this be left for later ?
> Cheers,
>    David
> Quoting Lars Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Last call for comments.  Minor changes since previous 
> drafts (and some 
> > comments at the beginning to address changes that are known 
> to come).
> >
> > --lars
> >
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