Here is the third draft, which I have tentatively labeled as stable.  

Please note the OPEN ISSUES, the input of everyone on these would be

Title: Object initializers

Object initializer syntax

NAME:                       "Object initializer syntax"
FILE:                       spec/language/object-literals.html
CATEGORY:                   Expressions (E262-3 chapter 11)
SOURCES:                    ES3; REFERENCES [1]-[7]
SPEC AUTHOR:                Lars
DRAFT STATUS:               DRAFT 3 - 2008-04-10
TEST CASE STATUS:           ?


  (Note, in the absense of debate on the following issues the
  resolution will invariably be to make no changes to the draft.)

  * There is no way to control enumerability of a property without
    giving it a non-public namespace or making it a fixture.  One
    possibility without adding yet another keyword is to signal
    non-enumerability by the explicit use of the 'public' namespace:

       { public::x: 10 }  /* not enumerable */

    It's unambiguous but feels a little hackish, since the rule
    for enumerability is that public properties are enumerable.

  * There is no way to seal the object created by an object
    initializer, as a prefix 'const' annotation only distributes
    across the fields of the object and does not imply anything about
    the object as a whole.

  * The meta::prototype facility does not allow 'null' as a value.
    Brendan thinks it's important that it should allow that in order
    to allow objects to work as primitive (but reliable) maps; I'm not
    sure what the impact will be.  In particular, objects thus created
    cease to behave like other objects in the system, as they will
    have no (prototype) method suite.  Of course, the intrinsic
    methods will still be there.  Discuss.

  * It would be possible to replace 'meta::get()', 'meta::set()',
    'meta::has()', 'meta::delete()', 'meta::invoke()', and
    'meta::prototype()' with 'get*()', 'set*()', 'has*()',
    'delete*()', 'invoke*()', and '__proto__', respectively.  The
    purpose would be to avoid having to worry about whether the
    identifier 'meta' can be used as a syntax marker in the way it
    currently is.

CHANGES SINCE DRAFT 2 (2008-04-07)

  * Removed the copying of type information from initializing
    expressions to fixtures in the case of 'const' and 'var' annotated

  * Made it possible to make a getter/setter pair into a fixture
    by annotating the getter and setter with 'var'.

  * Many(!) small wording changes and bug fixes (thanks to Brendan)

CHANGES SINCE DRAFT 1 (2008-03-20)

  * Added optional 'const' and 'var' prefixes to the initializer to
    imply 'const' or 'var' for all fields.

  * Specified that a 'const' or 'var' prefix on a field records the
    type of the value being stored in the type of the object, absent
    any other annotation; the previous draft used '*' for the types.

  * Specified that repeated field names are allowed only if the
    initializer as a whole does not use any new ES4 features

  * Introduced catch-all methods 'meta::get' and so on

  * Introduced 'meta::prototype'

  * Added the facility described in [6] for annotating the initializer
    with a nominal class type.

  * Added "Open issues" section; one more reference; wording changes.


[1] ES4 base document
[2] Ticket #164
[3] Ticket #165
[4] Ticket #219
[5] Ticket #319
[6] Ticket #370
[7] Bug fixes proposal, item about comma at the end of the field list
[8] Compatibilities document
[9] Enumerability spec (forthcoming)
[10] Ticket to be filed: should allow :void on _expression_ closures


This draft spec tries to pin down everything that has been proposed and tentatively agreed about object initializer syntax and semantics. A brief rationale is attached at the end.

Primary syntax

In its general form an object initializer is comprised of an optional keyword (const or var), followed by a brace-delimited comma-separated list of fields with the last field optionally followed by a comma, followed by an optional type annotation.

    ObjInit ::= ["const" | "var"] "{" ( ( Field "," )* Field ","? )? "}" [ ":" Type ]
    Field   ::= FieldName ":" AssignmentExpression
              | "var" FieldName ":" AssignmentExpression
              | "const" FieldName ":" AssignmentExpression
              | ["var"] "get" FieldName "(" ")" [":" Type] FunctionBody
              | ["var"] "set" FieldName "(" Param ")" [ ":" "void" ] FunctionBody
              | "meta" "::" "prototype" ":" AssignmentExpression
              | "meta" "::" "get" "(" Param ")" [":" Type] FunctionBody
              | "meta" "::" "set" "(" Param "," Param ")" [ ":" "void" ] FunctionBody
              | "meta" "::" "has" "(" Param ")" [":" "boolean"] FunctionBody
              | "meta" "::" "delete" "(" Param ")" [ ":" "void" ] FunctionBody
              | "meta" "::" "invoke" "(" ( Param ( "," Param )* )? ")" [ ":" Type ] FunctionBody
    FieldName ::= AnyIdentifier | AnyIdentifier "::" AnyIdentifier | LiteralString | LiteralNumber
    AnyIdentifier ::= Identifier | ReservedWord

If a FieldName has a qualifier then the qualifier must name a binding created by a namespace directive and the qualifier cannot be the name of a reserved namespace (meta, intrinsic, reflect, and so on).

The "Type" that annotates the initializer must be a record type or a class type whose constructor accepts zero arguments.

The FunctionBody of a getter, meta::get, meta::has, and meta::invoke may be a block or an _expression_. The FunctionBody of a setter, meta::set, and meta::delete must be a block. (See also [10].)

It is possible to have a getter without a setter and a setter without a getter. A compatible getter or setter will be generated for the missing method. The generated setter method receives a value and discards it silently (this corresponds with the view that writing to ReadOnly properties fails silently). The generated getter method throws a ReferenceError.

If the initializer is prefixed by const then const is implied for each of the fields in the structure. Every field must be a fieldname:value field, and none of the fields may have const or var annotations.

If the initializer is prefixed by var then var is implied for each of the fields in the structure. A field must be either fieldname:value, a getter, or a setters, and none of the fields may have const or var annotations.

Field names may be repeated only if the initializer as a whole looks like an object initializer as defined in E262-3 (1999), ie, all fields are of the FieldName : AssignmentExpression form, there is no const or var qualifier on the initializer as a whole, and there is no type annotation on the initializer.


Unlike the case in ES3, the program can't shadow the binding for Object in order to invoke an alternative object constructor for object initializers.

NOTE   Though ES4 is incompatible with ES3 here, most real-world implementations of ES3 do not respect shadowing binding for Object when evaluating object initializers, and the incompatibility is of no consequence. See [8].

If a type annotates the initializer and that type is a class type then the object initializer syntax is shorthand for the creation of an instance of that type with assignments to properties of the fields of that instance. In other words, given

   class Point { var x, y }
   { x: 10, y: 20 } : Point
is shorthand for
   (let (TMP = new Point)
     (TMP.x = 10,
      TMP.y = 20,
for some fresh variable TMP. In this case, all fields of the object literal must be of the FieldName : AssignmentExpression form. (See the Rationale section for a discussion of why this is desirable.)

In all other cases, the initializer evaluates to an instance of Object or an anonymous subtype of Object, as described in the rest of this document.

Secondary syntax

Suppose T is a structural record type:

    type T = { x: int, y: double }

Then the new operator can be used as follows:

    new T(10, 2.5)

The meaning of this is precisely:

    { x: 10, y: 2.5 } : T

There must be as many arguments to new as there are fields in T. The initializers are matched with fields by the order in which they appear.

Semantics of subphrases

Types and fixtures

If a property name in the record type that annotates the literal matches a field name in the literal then the field is a fixture (as opposed to a dynamic property) and the type of the fixture is the type of the property given in the record type. The following makes x a fixture and gives it the type int:

    { x: 10 } : { x: int }

The type of the value must be of the type of the field, or must be convertible to the type of the field.

If a literal field is annotated by const or var and the field is also named in the record type that annotates the literal then the type of the property is the type given in the record type, not the type implied by the initial value of the property (see below).

If a property name in the record type matches a field name that is a getter and/or a setter then:

  • either the getter has no return type annotation (in which case the type from the record type will be applied to the getter) or the return type must be equal to the type present for the property in the record type;
  • either the setter has no parameter type annotation (in which case the type from the record type will be applied to the parameter) or the parameter type must be equal to the type present for the property in the record type; and
  • following resolution of the previous two points, the return type of the (generated) getter, the parameter type of the (generated) setter, and the type in the record type must all be equal.

Fields may be present in the field list that are not present in the type, but not vice versa. I.e., the following is legal:

    x = { x: 10, y: 20, z: 30 } : { x: int, y: int }

A field that does not have a matching explicit type annotation in the record type is dynamic, which is to say it is deletable. Note in particular that this applies to getters and setters. A getter/setter pair can be deleted only as a unit.

If a field name that has a getter/setter pair is not mentioned in the record type for the object initializer then the getter's return type must be equal to the setter's parameter type.


Fields are in the public namespace if they don't have an explicit qualifier.

NOTE   The use default namespace pragma does not apply to object initializers.


As outlined elsewhere [9], fixture properties are never enumerable. Dynamic fields are enumerable if they are in the public namespace and their enumerable attribute is set.

All dynamic fields created by an object initializer have their enumerable attribute set (though the attribute setting is only relevant if the fields are public).


The const attribute introduces a fixture. The meaning of

    { const x: E }
is the same as the meaning of
    { x: E } : { x: * }
with the additional constraint that the writable attribute on x is disabled (x is ReadOnly in ES3 terms).


The var attribute introduces a fixture. The meaning of

    { var x: E }
is the same as the meaning of
    { x: E } : { x: * }

NOTE   Object initializers using the var attribute can always be rewritten as type-annotated initializers.

Getters and setters

A getter (get Name() …) must not take any arguments.

A getter must not be declared to return void.

A setter (set Name() …) may be declared as returning void but must not be declared as returning any other type.

If the program reads a property from an object and that property was named by a getter, then the getter method is invoked and the value returned by the getter method is returned to the program.

If the program writes a property to an object and that property was named by a setter, then the setter method is invoked with the value being written as its only argument. The value returned by the setter method, if any, is discarded.

Inside the getter and setter methods the value of this refers to the object on which the property access was performed.

NOTE   That is the same rule as for normal method invocation.

If a getter or setter is prefixed by var then the getter/setter pair is a fixture. If the initializer has both a getter and a setter for the same field then both or neither must be annotated var.

Catch-all methods

Catch-all methods (meta::get, meta::set, meta::has, meta::delete, and meta::invoke) are the values of read-only fixture properties on the object that is created by the object initializer _expression_.

NOTE   The full catch-all protocol is described elsewhere. Here is a summary.

Some catch-all methods are invoked when an object property is accessed by a primitive protocol and the property is not a fixture of the object. In ES3 terms, meta::get is invoked by [[Get]]; meta::set is invoked by [[Put]]; meta::has is invoked by [[HasProperty]]; and meta::delete is invoked by [[Delete]]. These four catch-all methods receive the name of the property being accessed as the first argument (currently encoded as a Name, a string, or a nonnegative integer value below 232-1).

The catch-all methods handling properties are always invoked, even if a property being sought is defined as a dynamic property on the object.

The catch-all method meta::invoke is invoked when the object is called as a function.

A catch-all method operates on the own object (the value of this) and can either terminate normally by returning or else signal to its caller -- by throwing a distinguished exception -- that default behavior should be invoked on the object.

A catch-all field is syntactically distinguished by the use of the identifier meta in a namespace position. At the time the object initializer is evaluated the name meta must reference a namespace binding, that namespace binding must come from an scope object that is not introduced by with, and the value of the namespace binding must be the meta namespace defined in the global object.

NOTE   The previous paragraph attempts to express the notion that the binding for meta is invariant so that we can rely on its meaning as syntax. There is more to be said on that matter; the above language will be adjusted as some of these details are worked out. See also OPEN ISSUES.

Catch-all methods can have type annotations in their parameter and return positions.

Catch-all properties can appear in the record type that annotates the initializer. Any types for catch-all properties in the record type must be equal to the declared types of the catch-all methods in the initializer itself.

Even if not mentioned in the record type that annotates the initializer, catch-all properties have field types derived from the annotations on the catch-all methods.


The special field name meta::prototype allows a value to be specified for the internal [[Prototype]] object of the newly constructed object.

The value for meta::prototype must not be undefined or null.

As for catch-all methods, this field is syntactically distinguished by the use of the meta namespace. At the time the object initializer is evaluated the name meta must reference the immutable binding for the meta namespace in the global object.

The syntax meta::prototype exists for initializing the [[Prototype]] object only; it is not available for reading the [[Prototype]] value from the object in any context.


(Will not be part of the final spec.)

The provision for an optional trailing comma comes from an early bug fix proposal. It benefits machine-generated code and maintenance of lengthy initializers; ES3 array initializers permit a trailing comma; and the same convention is available in C.

Getters and setters have found a lot of use on the web and are a much-desired feature, even the ES3.1 group has been debating it. They are implemented in the form presented here in Firefox, Opera, and Safari, at least.

const fields are motivated by the practical need to protect some object fields from being deleted or changed while staying within the easy to manage world of object initializers (ES4 classes would do the job but are more heavyweight by far). Structural type annotations cannot express what const can express, either. Some examples of the use of const are presented in the paper, "Evolutionary programming and gradual typing in ECMAScript 4", available from

var fields are similar to const fields in that they prevent fields from being deleted while staying within the easy to manage world of unannotated object initializers. (var fields can be expressed by structural type annotations and are a syntactic convenience.)

Allowing a single const or var to cover all fields in the initializer simplifies programs.

Syntax for catchalls is provided because it's sugar for functionality that is almost available. However, restrictions on the use of the meta namespace (which is reserved by the language implementation) prevent the creation of fields like this:

    meta::get: function (name) ...
and it is clearer to provide the functionality directly.

Given that the full catch-all syntax, e.g. meta::get(), has parentheses as well as the quasi-keyword meta, there's no ambiguity about what's going on (except for meta::prototype), and programs aren't prevented from using meta as a variable or property name in any context (only from evaluating object initializers containing catch-alls in contexts where a binding of meta shadows the original binding).

Syntax for setting up the prototype chain is provided because it's a common need and because it provides power that is not available without the new syntax. (ES3 style constructor functions can only create objects of the empty object type; field types cannot be introduced. Yet ES3 style constructor functions are the only other means available to create a custom prototype chain.) Also, the initializer-based syntax prevents cycles in the prototype graph.

Structural type annotations on object initializers are a convenient shorthand for creating typed fixtures on objects without having to go the roundabout way through full classes. "I want to guarantee that these fields are here and that they have these types." It's lightweight integrity.

The new syntax is part of the evolutionary programming agenda and is yet another point on the continuum between ES3 programs and class-based ES4 programs (the syntax abstracts away from the type T that is the subject of new -- whether it's a class or a structural type). For example

   type Point = { x:double, y:double }
   new Point(10, 20)
can change into
   class Point { var x: double, y: double }
   new Point(10, 20)

Nominal type annotations on object initializers further the evolutionary programming agenda in that objects described by structural types can be migrated to classes with only surface changes; existing object initializer expressions that use the structural type will continue to work when the type becomes a class. For example,

   type Point = { x:double, y:double }
   { x:10, y:20 } : Point
can change into
   class Point { var x: double, y: double }
   { x:10, y:20 } : Point
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