Thanks for the notes. I'm drafting an update based on comments from Lars and
Graydon, so additional fixes are coming.


On 4/15/08 5:58 PM, Waldemar Horwat wrote:

> My comments on 1.1:
> fun compareNamespaces (n1: NAMESPACE, n2: NAMESPACE) : bool =
>     case (n1, n2) of
>         (ForgeableNamespace s1, ForgeableNamespace s2) => s1 = s2
>       | _ => false
> An unforgeable namespace is not equal to itself???
> (As an expository note, I don't like the name "compareFoo".  If "compareFoo(x,
> y)" returns true, what does that mean?  Does it mean that x < y?  x == y?
> Something else?  I'd prefer a name like "fooEqual".)
> Compatibility Namespace:
> The section argues that the compatibility namespace can't be the public
> namespace, but the example given doesn't support that conclusion:
>     namespace N
>     var o = {x: 10, N::x: 20}
>     print (o.x)  // prints 10
>     {
>         use namespace N
>         print (o.x)   // ambiguous
>         print (o.public::x)  // prints 10
>         print (o.N::x)  // prints 20
>     }
> Here the "x" in "o.x" could be in any open namespace until the namespace
> resolution process is done.  It may or may not happen to be in the
> compatibility namespace.  I don't see why the compatibility namespace can't be
> the public namespace and, barring strong evidence to the contrary, think that
> they should be the same namespace.  It's too confusing not to do that, as then
> you'd have three different values for the "null" namespace.
> I wouldn't worry about polishing "with".  It shouldn't be a priority.
> I'll review more of this tomorrow.
>     Waldemar

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