Igor Bukanov wrote:
> Of cause, if desired, such shortcut should be
> pure syntax extension over ES3, not {{ }} as that silently changes the
> meaning of the existing code.

Do you really think {{ }} appears in existing code, correctly
enclosing statement blocks, with the {{ and the }} placed tightly
together both at the beginning and at the end?

I find this somewhat unlikely, since it's a redundant repetition
that means exactly the same as { }.


Igor Bukanov wrote:
> 2008/7/25 Lars Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Is
>>  {{ return }}
>> syntactic sugar for
>>  (function() {{ return }})()
>> too?
> I have forgot about the return or break/continue. But this is not a
> point since a syntax sugar for (function() { code })() can require
> that code must not contain return or break/continue outside the code
> effectively making it a let expression on steroids. The point is that
> is it worth to provide a shortcut for (function() { code })() since
> that is used on web. Of cause, if desired, such shortcut should be
> pure syntax extension over ES3, not {{ }} as that silently changes the
> meaning of the existing code.
> One way to get that extension comes from an observation that ES4
> allows to drop the  braces around function body and the return keyword
> if the body is the single return exp. If ES3.1 would support it, then
> to simulate an effect of let expression like
>   let (a = arg1, b = arg2) expression
> one could write
>   (function(a, b) expression)(arg1, arg2)
> or
>   (function(a, b) a = arg1, b = arg2, expression)()
> If, in addition to this shortcut, ES4 would allow to drop an empty
> argument list from a function with a requirement that function { }
> always means an expression and ES3.1 would also support that, then in
> place of a block with let variables one can write:
> function {
> }();
> Regards, Igor
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Ingvar von Schoultz

------- (My quirky use of capitals in code comes from my opinion that
reserved and predefined words should all start with lowercase, and
user-defined should all start with uppercase, because this will easily
and elegantly prevent a host of name-collision problems when things
like programming languages are upgraded with new labels.)
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