On Aug 14, 2008, at 12:30 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> I took Neil's point to favor not only a separate lint-like tool  
> (which some find painful to procure and remember to run), but  
> possibly something like Cormac's idea I mentioned a few messages  
> ago: a type checker that runs when the code loaded in a web app  
> seems complete, and gives warnings to some console -- but which does  
> not prevent code from running.
> Neil, how'd that strike you? It could be built into some developer- 
> extension for the browser, so you wouldn't have to remember to run  
> jslint.

Logistically I prefer to run the checks before it gets to the browser  
(i.e. via Makefile as the first step of build-package-deploy in a  
complicated (read: mature) in-house development environment) simply  
because it shaves precious time off the edit-build-test-debug cycle.   
But that's personal preference, works styles vary.  The concept is  
spot-on as far as I'm concerned, and I see no reason why the same  
underlying tool couldn't be built to suit both environments.

(Thanks for asking.)
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