On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 at 21:08, Alex Branham <alex.bran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks. I've tried to reproduce this and am having issues still. Just to
> confirm: you don't have any ess-* packages (ess-smart-underscore,
> ess-R-object-viewer, etc) installed, either system wide or under
> ~/.emacs.d/elpa?
> Nope, after removing ess-20181003.1614 and
ess-smart-underscore-20180911.523 from ~/.emacs.d/elpa the only ESS related
package installed on this system is ess-17.11 which is installed under the

We're getting ready to release ESS 18.10 so if there is some 3rd-party
> package out there that's causing issues with ESS's autoloads, it would
> be nice to figure out who to blame :-)

I've a number of other packages installed (along with their dependencies)
but I've no idea which might be causing a conflict (list at bottom).

I gave ess-20181002.2153 a whirl this morning but still have the same
issue.  Whats even more confusing for me is that I've the same ~/.emacs.d
on other systems (by virtue of using a dotfiles repository to organise
things) and there is no issue on those.  Is it possible there is a conflict
between the system installed ess-17.11 and the MELPA installed one?  Its
the only thing I can think of at this point (beyond conflicts with other
packages, but I don't think the Backtrace suggests any other culprits).

I'll find some time to investigate this as a possible cause but may not be
until tomorrow.

Thanks again,


Other installed packages (via MELPA)...

  auto-package-update      20180712.2045 installed
 Automatically update Emacs packages.
  autopair                20160304.1237 installed             Automagically
pair braces and quotes like TextMate
  better-defaults         20170614.404  installed             Fixing weird
quirks and poor defaults
  company                 20180913.2311 installed             Modular text
completion framework
  darktooth-theme         20180726.302  installed             From the
darkness... it watches
  ein                     20181002.1658 installed             Emacs IPython
  eink-theme              20170717.1507 installed             E Ink color
  elpy                    20180924.1634 installed             Emacs Python
Development Environment
  ess                     20181003.1614 installed             Emacs Speaks
  find-file-in-project     20180912.1218 installed             Find
file/directory and review Diff/Patch/Commit efficiently everywhere
  flycheck                20180907.1319 installed             On-the-fly
syntax checking
  highlight-indentation    20171218.937  installed             Minor modes
for highlighting indentation
  highlight-parentheses    20180704.1102 installed             highlight
surrounding parentheses
  julia-mode              20180816.2117 installed             Major mode
for editing Julia source code
  magit                   20180928.1153 installed             A Git
porcelain inside Emacs.
  material-theme          20171123.1840 installed             A Theme based
on the colors of the Google Material Design
  org-time-budgets        20151111.801  installed             Define time
budgets and display clocked time.
  package+                20170816.256  installed             Extensions
for the package library.
  package-utils           20180514.1415 installed             Extensions
for package.el
  polymode                20180926.2044 installed             Extensible
framework for multiple major modes
  projectile              20181003.742  installed             Manage and
navigate projects in Emacs easily
  projectile-git-autofetch 20180418.2336 installed
 automatically fetch git repositories
  py-autopep8             20160925.1052 installed             Use autopep8
to beautify a Python buffer
  pylint                  20170402.1255 installed             minor mode
for running `pylint'
  pyvenv                  20180831.847  installed             Python
virtual environment interface
  vimish-fold             20180101.612  installed             Fold text
like in Vim
  wide-column             20170925.1613 installed             Calls
functions dependant on column position.
  yaml-mode               20180409.607  installed             Major mode
for editing YAML files
  yasnippet               20180916.2115 installed             Yet another
snippet extension for Emacs.
  alert                   20180827.422  dependency            Growl-style
notification system for Emacs
  apiwrap                 20180602.2231 dependency            api-wrapping
  async                   20180527.1730 dependency            Asynchronous
processing in Emacs
  auto-complete           20170125.245  dependency            Auto
Completion for GNU Emacs
  autothemer              20180920.923  dependency            Conveniently
define themes.
  cl-generic                       0.3           dependency
Forward cl-generic compatibility for Emacs<25
  dash                    20180910.1856 dependency            A modern list
library for Emacs
  deferred                20170901.1330 dependency            Simple
asynchronous functions for emacs lisp
  epl                     20180205.2049 dependency            Emacs Package
  f                       20180106.922  dependency            Modern API
for working with files and directories
  ghub                    20180924.713  dependency            Minuscule
client libraries for Git forge APIs.
  ghub+                   20180602.2245 dependency            a thick
GitHub API client built on ghub
  git-commit              20180912.1012 dependency            Edit Git
commit messages
  gitlab                  20180312.1647 dependency            Emacs client
for Gitlab
  gntp                    20141025.250  dependency            Growl
Notification Protocol for Emacs
  graphql                 20180912.31   dependency            GraphQL
  ivy                     20180926.1249 dependency            Incremental
Vertical completYon
  js2-mode                20180724.801  dependency            Improved
JavaScript editing mode
  let-alist                1.0.5         dependency            Easily
let-bind values of an assoc-list by their names
  log4e                   20170401.1304 dependency            provide
logging framework for elisp
  magit-popup             20180726.2037 dependency            Define
prefix-infix-suffix command combos
  magithub                20180923.1601 dependency            Magit
interfaces for GitHub
  markdown-mode           20180904.1601 dependency            Major mode
for Markdown-formatted text
  pkg-info                20150517.1143 dependency            Information
about packages
  popup                   20160709.1429 dependency            Visual Popup
User Interface
  request                 20170201.147  dependency            Compatible
layer for URL request in Emacs
  request-deferred        20160419.2305 dependency            Wrap
request.el by deferred
  restart-emacs           20180601.1031 dependency            Restart emacs
from within emacs
  s                       20180406.808  dependency            The long lost
Emacs string manipulation library.
  seq                      2.20          dependency            Sequence
manipulation functions
  simple-httpd            20180528.1603 dependency            pure elisp
HTTP server
  skewer-mode             20180706.1807 dependency            live browser
JavaScript, CSS, and HTML interaction
  treepy                  20180724.656  dependency            Generic tree
traversal tools
  websocket               20180423.16   dependency            Emacs
WebSocket client and server
  with-editor             20180726.2044 dependency            Use the
Emacsclient as $EDITOR

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of improbability.* - R.A. Fisher

*Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge* - Charles

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