In functions with roxygen examples, until very recently I could run the examples even though they had the roxygen comment "##'" at the beginning. Emacs/ESS would, literally, let me do "next" over and over again to run example code.
Today I realize that does not happen anymore, Emacs/ESS is treating those things like comments and the focus skips to the function definition. Can I make it do the other way now? I'm in Ubuntu, Emacs 25.2.2, ESS 18.10.2, I may have broken a feature while trying to learn how to use python or Rmd documents. My ~/.emacs/elpa directory has accumulated a lot of junk: auto-complete-20170125.245 company-20190116.1133 dash-20180910.1856 deferred-20170901.1330 ein-20190117.359 elpy-20181228.1721 epl-20180205.2049 ess-smart-underscore-20190110.1750 find-file-in-project-20181217.246 flycheck-20190108.351 gnupg highlight-indentation-20181204.839 htmlize-20180923.1829 ivy-20190116.1140 js2-mode-20180724.801 julia-mode-20190111.2044 markdown-mode-20181229.1430 material-theme-20171123.1840 math-symbol-lists-20190102.1831 pkg-info-20150517.1143 poly-markdown-20181010.2137 polymode-20190102.1910 poly-noweb-20190102.1938 poly-R-20190111.1908 popup-20160709.1429 py-autopep8-20160925.1052 pyvenv-20181228.1722 r-autoyas-20140101.1510 request-20181129.1138 s-20180406.808 simple-httpd-20190110.1505 skewer-mode-20180706.1807 websocket-20180423.16 yasnippet-20181013.2122 yasnippet-20181015.1212 yasnippet-snippets-20181211.2219 -- Paul E. Johnson Director, Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis To write to me directly, please address me at pauljohn at [[alternative HTML version deleted]] ______________________________________________ mailing list