Yes, your use case is exactly mine.  Since I normally have several buffers
open, sometimes in the same frame, sometimes in different frames,
I don't see that sequence as a big deal.  I just move the mouse and paste.

I just looked at the names of all the ess- commands
  C-h f ess- <tab>
and don't see what you are looking for.

On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 12:35 PM Kevin Wright <> wrote:

> Thanks for the comments. I'm not talking about working with a transcript
> file.  Rather, while I'm beta-testing a line of code in the inferior R
> process buffer, and then get a final version that I like, I'd like a single
> function to copy the most-recently-executed command (or the current command
> line) back into the R script and insert it at point, without the need to
> copy, switch-buffer, paste, switch buffer.  I could write this myself with
> some pain, but I find myself doing this type of editing all the time, so I
> figured there must already be a function.  But maybe not.
> Kevin
> On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 11:27 AM Richard M. Heiberger <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> I think Stephen is assuming you do a lot of work in the *R* and then want
>> to recover it into a script.
>> For that case I wouldn't bother saving the *R* buffer, but would just
>> copy the relevant lines (including output)
>> and then save it back into the script file with C-u C-u C-y
>> (ess-yank-cleaned-commands).
>> The C-u C-u C-y strips out the prompts and output and pastes just the
>> input commands.
>> For the way I read your email, you are looking to copy just a single line
>> from *R* to something.r.
>> For that I would just highlight it, then copy and paste.
>> Rich
>> On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 12:14 PM Stephen Eglen via ESS-help <
>>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, May 19 2020, Kevin Wright via wrote:
>>> > Is there a function to copy an inferior-buffer R command back to the R
>>> > script and insert it at point?
>>> I'm not sure you get it in a single defun, but you can glue the
>>> following bits together:
>>> so save your *R* buffer as a file.Rout, and then edit that file and run
>>> ess-transcript-clean-region to remove the output and preserve just the
>>> R commands  you sent.
>>> Stephen
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