Thanks, this seems to work!


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard M. Heiberger <> 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2021 11:22 AM
To: Bassett Jr,Roland L <>;
Subject: [EXT] Re: [External] [ESS] ESS Annoying "Feature"

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this looks like the issue I reported in February.  Here is the response Lionel 
sent the list at that time (feb 18, 02:55) I choose to ignore the nuisance.



This is a known issue with ESS 18.10 and Emacs 27. Either dowgrade Emacs or 
install dev ESS to fix this. A new release is much needed but there's still a 
bunch of problems to solve. We're aiming for an April release.

As a workaround you can add this to your config:

(setq ess-can-eval-in-background nil)

You won't get the parasite output as you type. Unfortunately this disables all 
contextual help (eldoc, completions, ...).


On 2/18/21, Richard M. Heiberger via ESS-help <> wrote:

> On Jun 16, 2021, at 11:38, Bassett Jr,Roland L via ESS-help 
> <> wrote:
> Greetings to all.  At some point, my ESS developed the following feature: 
> when I am editing an .Rnw file with R running in another frame, and the 
> cursor is in the middle of a function, it provides a list of possible 
> completions in the R window.  This takes the form of:
> (list "" etc.)
> It does this multiple times.  How can I turn this off?  Thanks for any help!
> Roland Bassett
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