
Thank you for all your work on this! It works great for me with Rmd. I 
especially appreciate it because RStudio isn't a possibility for me because it 
isn't accessible with a screen reader.


> On Sep 20, 2021, at 9:59 AM, Sparapani, Rodney via ESS-help 
> <ess-help@r-project.org> wrote:
> Hi Gang:
> I’m not directly answering the question because I don’t use Rmd
> (but I do use Rnw all of the time).  And, just to react to a few of
> Dirk’s and Tyler’s comments.  Over the last few years, we have
> moved away from having to set up features with .emacs/etc.
> as much as possible.  Generally, this stuff should just work
> out-of-the-box.  For example, there was a time where I was
> struggling with Rnw and couldn’t figure out what was wrong by
> changing settings/debugging/etc.  But, after an upgrade,
> everything just worked.  If you think you have really identified
> a bug, then please make a reproducible example and posted
> on git as an issue.  In my view, this last post is related to our
> new release model.
> This model has not been communicated to my recollection
> but is de facto.  We had planned
> to release 1:2 times per year.  However, that largely
> stopped about 2018.  Now, it is pretty much just
> grabbing from git where most of these issues have
> been worked out, i.e., the repo is supposed to be
> in a continual working state (although there may be
> occasional mishaps just like anything else).  Part of the
> reason for moving to git (unintentionally) is that our
> copyrights have mostly been attributed to the FSF.
> However, there are a few pieces that are inconveniently
> absent.  Similarly, there are a few key pieces that oldsters
> like me still want that are found in obsolete.  Not directly
> related, but a similar concern is that there is still the issue
> of polymode being needed but not part of ESS which you
> have to get from git (don’t get me stared julia-mode!).
> So, lots of excuses, pick your favorite.  But the upshot
> is that git is as convenient as it gets.  And we are not a
> company like RStudio so this FOSS setup works for
> us as developers and hopefully it still serves the
> users well.  I hope that helps from a philosophical
> point of view.  My students are unconvinced
> and use RStudio but I am not allowed to fail them
> for their merely youthful indiscretions ;o)
> --
> Rodney Sparapani, Associate Professor of Biostatistics
> Chair ISBA Section on Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics
> Institute for Health and Equity, Division of Biostatistics
> Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Campus
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