On 14 November 2023 at 17:22, Lionel Henry wrote:
| Worth noting I'm using `xterm-color` instead of `ansi-color` in my
| comint buffers. IIRC the latter (which is builtin) didn't support some
| features. Not sure if that could explain the bad behaviour you've
| observed.

I was also thinking cli could take advantage of TERM. In ESS under x11 and on
the terminal I seem to see

  > Sys.getenv("TERM")
  [1] "dumb"

so I guess ESS (or Emacs?) overrides because I otherwise settled on TERM and
BYOBY_TERM as screen-256color which is decent setting for Nord.

Back to rlang and cli messing up sessions they maybe should leave alone:
would the team consider not asking the user to set NO_COLOR and rather
inspect the terminal info and refraining from damaging working setups?

Best, Dirk

dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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